Aizawa vs Deku: No One Will Win

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The week of Izuku's reform meeting had arrived and Katsuki wasn't sure who was more anxious: Inko or himself? He knew that the teachers were getting annoyed with him over the past week as he seemed more and more distracted the closer this day came, to the point of Aizawa giving him a free day to attend the meeting with Izuku. Mostly for the safety of himself and others.

He looked at Inko and Izuku before shifting his gaze over to the empty seat that Nedzu was supposed to be, but who was currently off talking to the hero commission about the paperwork both teens had filled out. Another look at Izuku made him aware of a small detail he didn't notice before.

"Did you really just connect to UA's tech? The rat will notice almost instantly when he gets back."

"I've been connected since we got here. Their security is really impressive! Look! Several firewalls that are near impermeable with almost hundreds of security measures for failing to break through, several security scanners at all entrances and exits that can detect upwards of a millions different weapons and poisons and identities, nearly two hundred security cameras around the main building alone with even more around-"

"Around dorms, training grounds, and others spots around campus to provide the most secure schooling services for future pro-heroes.", stated Nedzu as he walked around the couch and climbed into his desk chair. He lifted up some papers. "I'm Principal Nedzu. And you must be the Midoriya Izuku. Pleasure to meet you."

"H-h-hi." Izuku practically shrunk into Katsuki's side, face red in embarrassment though he didn't disconnect from UA's technology. "Sorry for just...connecting to your security. It's a little hard not to because of..."

"Because of the quirk incident you were in that permanently gave you something adjacent to a technology quirk. Of course, like all students, you'll need to go through the usual process to get into the support class."

"The..." The nanolines slowly blinked as he thought for a moment, his eyes temporarily going to a similar electric green color before fading. "The written exam and physical course, right?"

"Yes, though the physical course is for the hero course. Your course will be more about your abilities to provide support for heroes like braces for arms, assists, and other such items. You'll be given various materials and four hours to design and construct a prototype that must at least work about 55 percent of its original person."

"Oh! course? Didn't you put me in the 2A dorms?"

"Well. Your dorm placement has been selected based on the vigilante reform program. Essentially, you'll be with those who have shown the most promise at preventing you from possibly running off or doing damage. The support course would be the best to go into to hone in your natural talents and give you a supervised outlet." Nedzu folded his paws over the paperwork. "Do you have any questions before you're taken to your written exam?"

"What will you do about my almost-quirk?"

"First, we'll see if Aizawa can neutralize it as if it was a naturally occurring quirk. If that doesn't work or he needs a break, we'll use a quirk-neutralizing collar though we don't imagine you'd be able to cheat given most of the written exam is not on file in our servers."

The two went back and forth about the best way to prevent any accidental or purposeful cheating for several minutes until Aizawa arrived to take him to his exam and push Katsuki to his next general education class.

"Good luck, Deku. You better ace that shit."

"I will, Kaachan! You watch me!"

When Inko and Izuku received the results the next day, they were notified that he passed with flying colors and will be able to enter the support course later that week. This may or may not have caused him to get so excited, he broadcasted a favorite childhood song across most of UA's screens from his own computer while he happily cried.

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