☆ The weird tickets ☆

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"Hey guys, what are y'all looking at?" I say while looking at them.
"You're late." Oscar didn't even care about what I said.
Cherry moves to the side Oscar, making a annoyed face to him. She looks at me, smiling.
"Well, we found some weird tickets that have to do with a sort of company called ZELZ. It needs your firm, and, it asks for a desire too. It says that it's a sort of um...a sort of Escape Room. If you win all 5 of them, you'll recive your desire. It had a location on it. Looks like it's in the woods. The fact is, we don't know what these symbols mean. They want us to pick one of them, because they say they're desires." Cherry finishes and looks at me waiting for a response.
Well, this is not a good idea, but for them it probably is. They surely want me to get one of the tickets and put the information in it. I take a deep breath and I start to talk to them.
"Um guys, this doesn't look like a good ide-" I immediately get interrupted by Oscar.
"Well, for YOU it's not a good idea. What's wrong, you're scared? These seem so cool. They are enough for us, too!"
I wasn't paying much attention to Oscar's words, and I suddendly hear my phone ringing. I tell Oscar to stop talking, and I get a bit far from the group. It was my mother, how could've I been so dumb? How did I forget? I accept the call. She talked in a very worried voice because I didn't call her. It was 10:30 AM, when I was supposed to call her at 10:00 AM.
"Mom look I am sorry I forgot to call you. Don't get too stressed if I don't, I know that you care about me but I have more stuff to do.." I look behind me. I see the group waiting for me.
"Honey it's okay, but you got me worried! Please remember calling me. It's important for me to know that you actually are there."
"But mom it's not like if I am gonna die."
"I know, honey, but I care about you."
"Alright, mom. I will end the call now, my friends are waiting for me." I say.
"Okay, bye. Come back soon." My mom ends the call before me.
I said sorry to my friends and that it was my mom. They all look at me in a weird way, except for Martina. Martina seemed worried. They had probably a plan in mind that they made when I was in a call with my mother, and it wasn't gonna be a plan that I would like. They give me a pen and they show me their tickets with all of their info in it.
"Look, Alex, we put our firm in the tickets. Now it's your turn or we will beat you up." Oscar says.
"But that's not nice...Guys, w-what are you doing? That's very mean, friends aren't supposed to do this!"
Martina stares at me, but she had no choice but to listen to them. She was by my side, surely. They force me to write my name in the ticket. I look at the "desires". Those are just a Star, a Heart, a Butterfly, a Flower and a Skull. How are those desires?...I pick the one that I liked the most: the Butterfly.
"Okay...what now? Where did y'all get these from?" I say very confused, looking around trying to see where they could've gotten them.
"These were just left on the ground. A booth probably gives them. It cannot be that far, afterall." Says Cherry.
"What now?.."
"We drive to the location."
They smile.

But Martina doesn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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