Episode 1 - Mind

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I didn't exist. Then I did. I don't know why, I don't know how. But now I am here. I remember that morning, those three-hundred years ago, as if it were yesterday. The feeling of wet sand on skin, the sound of waves crashing down, the sting of salt in my eyes and the stink of brine in my nose.

My skin was sun kissed and bear, chilled from the ocean breeze. It was a man who found me lying there, frightened and confused. He was gentle, kind and had the graciousness of a god. The man took me to a massive floating structure that I soon learned was called a boat. He dressed me, fed me and gave me a home.

When he asked my name I did not have an answer for him. He believed I was a lucky survivor, washed up from a shipwreck and that's why I had no memory or recollection of life before waking up on the beach. The man was wrong and I'd never let him know it.

His name was Captain Ben Locklyn, known as one of the greatest pirates of the eighteenth century. Much of the crew had been saved by Captain Locklyn in one way or another. His allies showed nothing but love and loyalty and they had it returned. Those who made an enemy out of the Captain were gone before they could make it into the history books.

There was a very warm welcome from the crew when I was introduced. They were a large, loving family of misfit pirates and they took me in as one of their own. From that day on I was known as Tadum, a name Captain Locklyn said belonged to his lost brother.

"Maybe she's your long lost brotha' aye boss?" the crew would joke, I was told I looked almost identical to the Captain. Both of us had beach blonde waves, strong jaws, freckled cheeks and dimpled smiles. Our main differences were our heights and eye color. Captain Locklyn had eyes like emeralds with flakes of honey, it was like looking into a pile of treasure, but mine were the color of dead grass or watered down beer, an ugly sort of gold.

I never really understood the joke, yes me and the Captain have a few similar features but I look nothing like the real Tadum. He was on this ship many years ago. I was told stories of how he bested our Captain in everything including strength, intelligence, speed, agility, beauty, charm, everything.

I lay in my lower bunk, just below our snoring First Mate - William Tonk, who's arm dangled off his bedside. He left dinner early last night after a long day's work and too much whiskey he couldn't fight to stay awake much longer. It was early morning now and unlike William, I hadn't slept a wink.

I sat up, with a sigh and pushed myself out of bed. Somehow, I knew I wasn't the only one awake and made my way up to the upper deck. The waters were calm and the morning mist was refreshing. Just beyond the horizon the moon began to disappear, hues of purple and red bleeding into the sky.

"You're up early." said a voice from the conning tower. I look up to see the captain's smiling face shining bright in the light of the sky.

"So are you, Captain!" I respond, taking a few strides to the ladder and climbing up to him. Captain Locklyn offers his hand when I near the top of the ladder and I accept it. He doesn't let go of my hand when I settle, but kisses the top of it.

"How many time need I tell you? You can call me Benny." He laughs, dropping my hand and leaning back to take in the view.

"I prefer a little formality." I scoff and fold my hands in my lap.

"You've been on the crew for two years now!" Captain Lockylyn states, "Surely we're on a first name basis by now! I know I am with you?" I shake my head, stifling a laugh.

"You know well that I don't have a last name you could address me by." The blonde nods, pulling a silver canister out of his long brown coat and taking a sip of its contents. "Is that why you're being all silly this morning?" I snicker.

"No, no! I'm as sober as a sailor can be, Tadum." Locklyn smiles and fails to hold back his laugh when he lifts the canister in cheers before taking another swig.

"Aye, Love doves! When you too are done goo-goo eye-in, let's get Elizabeth all ready to set sail, yeh?" William shouts from the deck, while two other crewmates - Jack and Eddy scrub the floor around him.

"Aye, Aye!" Me and Captain Locklyn shout in unison. "Good on you for gettin' us all on our feet, Will, my boy!" He compliments, jumping off the last few steps of the ladder and patting William on the shoulder.

"Don't mention it." He replies, running his hand through his tawny hair in annoyance. "Keep up the good work, boys." William says, turning to the twins scrubbing the deck.

"Thank you Mister Tonk!" Jack and Eddy were the youngest boys on the ship, both of them just turned thirteen last month. Their main jobs always consist of scrubbing the deck and managing the cabins. Locklyn and William avoid dragging them into battle unless their presence is required. Over the past two years they haven't fought in a single conflict and neither have I.

Ever since Locklyn gave me a home on this ship, I wanted to learn how to sword fight but every time I ask I get refused. The captain says it's because he's too busy, but it's truly because he doesn't want me to get hurt. He doesn't want to risk losing me and I know it's true because I've heard him think it.

I heard him think it like I'd hear one speak it. There's been times where I've heard William think about his dead fiance, who got accidentally pushed down the stairs by William's father and died from her injuries. I remind him of her for some reason and sometimes it drives him crazy.

Everything I hear always feels so personal, like that person is intentionally telling me that thing but in reality they've told a soul and they planned on keeping it that way. I've realized now that if this was something a normal person could do, this ship would have a lot more to say expecially about the murder of Tadum Locklyn. So I keep every last thought to myself, because god knows what horrors the truth can reveal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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