A sister to die for

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The golden locust book 1 

Meet Nathan orwell a spritual peacfull man and a man with a deep dark secreact 

For within him lies another personality one that he never knew he could inhabit and now one that he hides from everyone under the perfect cover of being a meditation monk in a moniestry of brotherhood below his peaceful trances is the heart of a dareing crime fighter a man who did everything he could in his power to do to avenge a death of a sibling only to realises that evil in his family was closer then he ever dare imagined 

As he prays now in the serene garden of internal whispers above his head and on the gates the seal him within such a place of deep hibernation is the very image he now pours all of his alter ego persona into the image of the feasting locust for he like that insect will harvest the streets of evil seeds among the living 

But how did such a man of peace come to be in such a position 

Well for that we must journey backwards to the worst day of Nathan Orwell's life 

Before the darkness enveloped him he was a man of a much diffrent eilk 

A rich bachelor and gifted alchemist who loved to turn worthless things in to beautiful golden garments and wearable Jelwrey his skills were often admired yet there were some that considered his way of life to be a shameful way for a man of his upbringing to behave no wonder he was a bachelor no respecting woman would want him 

But the same could not be said for his wealthy sister her dowry was a constant attraction to male suitors and one in particular seemed determined to win her hand with her father pushing for the union Nathan had agreed to walk his sister henrehita home for she did not wish to be courted by the man who would not take no for an anwser Samuel Roxbury was a man who made her fear to go anywhere alone 

And it would soon be real eles that henreitas fears were well founded as upon meeting up with his dear sister he found her running covered in blood towards him she had a pith fork sicking out of her and collapsed in to Nathan's arms pleading for help 

As she passed away in her arms 

He yelled for help but he needn't have bothered as their father and a hord of policemen appeared with burning torches behind them 

You see he screamed her brother is so obsessed with our family's fortune he has slain his own sibling to inherit everything himself 

She was to meet with Samuel and yet he has ambushed such a courtship for a brutal killing of his own blood 

Before orwell could defend himself he found himself running for his life from the mob teas wailing from his eyes his sister murdered and now himself framed for it 

As his only refuge was a barn four miles ahead 

After hours of hideing in the haystacks he spied a sheep shearing blade and began to remove all of his hair from his head he knew the only place nobody would look for him was the monks monastery and happy he had altedvhis appreance enough he took off across the form fields for the 24=:mile journey to the monestray gates 

He knew it would be easy enough to get himself a working position and was well versed in there teachings and it would be the perfect place to work out who realy did kill his sister 

For years whilest working on the farm he had used all his money to patern his devices that he belived would one day allow him to brake away from the family farm and live in the big city 

Little did he know that everything he planed to sell he would soon be testing out in secrect in the dead of the night on the vast corridors of the monestray 

The golden locust book 1Where stories live. Discover now