✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Twelve - Narrow Escape *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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The building in front of them was larger than the rest, and besides the factory, it was the biggest building in the village. It looked a lot older than most of the buildings they'd passed as well. The paint on the banisters was peeling and the wood of the walls was warped. There were a few broken steps that they had to avoid, and the sign saying Kor's Inn was attached only by a single cord.

Kor's Inn? Like the Personification of Fire, Kor? I thought humans didn't believe in that kind of thing. Yuuji thought to himself as they walked in.

The inside of the inn looked to be in far better shape than the outside. They were surrounded by tables in no particular order or pattern. On the opposite side of the room was a bar, behind it a woman washing glasses. On the walls were various artworks and colorless photographs, most of the same man and woman.

"Welcome! What can I do ya for?" The woman behind the counter asked, a kind smile on her face.

She wouldn't be smiling like that if she knew what was really in front of her. Yuuji thought with a barely held back snicker.

Satoru reciprocated the smile and said, "We'd like some rooms please. However many you have available, we'll take." The starborne set a bag of coins on the table and the woman's eyes widened.

"Oh, you must be kingdom folk. Whatch y'all doin' all the way out here?" The woman questioned as she counted the coins.

Satoru answered quickly, coming up with a lie on the spot. "We're a travelling crew, and the rest of our crew is on the other side of the mountain, so we're going to meet them on the other side."

The woman nodded in understanding, pocketing the coins. "There're six rooms available at the moment. Here're your keys."

"Thank you, miss." Satoru said, smiling gratefully at the woman.

"Enjoy your stay!"

They quickly decided that siblings would room together, so Yuuji took one key from Satoru and led his siblings down the hall.

There was only eight rooms total, and the two farthest down the hall had already been taken. Yuuji and his siblings were in room three. What was confusing was the fact that none of the rooms were in order. Five came before one and two came after three.

Room three was quite small and there was only one bed, but it was big enough for the four youngest, while Yuuji, Choso, and Sukuna would take the floor. It had always been like that. The older Itadori siblings would do anything to make sure their younger siblings were comfortable.

On the bed was a multitude of plush blankets and pillows, and a colorful handmade quilt.

Astraea and Yuuta raced over to the bed, flopping down onto the mattress and sighing in relief. It had been a while since they'd slept in an actual bed.

"This is surprisingly comfortable for an Inn in the middle of nowhere." Astraea sighed.

"This is probably that woman's main source of business, so she must take a lot of pride in this place." Sukuna suggested as he settled down on the floor just below the window.

Yuuji strode over to the window and peeked out the window before swinging the curtains shut aggressively. He wanted his siblings to at least not have to disguise themselves in the privacy of their room.

Astraea pushed down the hood of her cloak, running a hand through her silver hair as she said, "I don't like the energy of this place. There's something dangerous here."

Yuuji's eyes widened for a split second before he schooled his expression. He couldn't let them see him lose his composure. There was no way he could tell them about the HATS crew and ruin what little security his family felt.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Lightmaker • Kugiitafushi *:・゚✧*:・゚✧Where stories live. Discover now