It's True?

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Purple's alive?

The question ran through King's head as they got everyone regrouped on the desktop. He couldn't believe it.

It was too good to be true.

Could he actually reunite with Purple?

Could he bring him home?

Could Purple be alive?

He just had to be. Seven weeks of hoping his best friend was still alive wasn't about to go to waste.

His kid was still out there, and he was going to bring him home.

Chosen wanted nothing but to relax for once in his life, but Second dragged him to the desktop, screaming about they found something relating to Purple.

His head began filling with one question repeatedly going around his brain:

Was Dark still alive?

Could it really be true?

As he and King listened to Second read the letter to the whole of their group, the question ran through their heads like crazy:

Were Dark and Purple still alive?

Purple sighed, hoping their letter did something.

He had left that letter in the park the night they had escaped, and knowing King, who couldn't resist Gold's begging to go out to the park every so often, he'd find it, with or without Gold running around and discovering it.

Dark hoped he did find it, meaning Chosen would find it. And Chosen wouldn't have to be so depressed because his best friend was still alive and trying so hard to get home.

Maybe they could actually come home.

If only Navy could make that so easy.

It took hours for him to realize they were missing, but those hours were cut short when Purple realized he had sent guards after him and Dark.


Midway up a mountain leading to Chosen and Darks old house, they were forced to duck there until night fell, when they knew Dark and Purple wouldn't be able to be found, seeing as Dark knew the mountain terrain well.

As the others begun to scour the area, Purple and Dark ducked behind a rock, hoping they didn't find them.

The minutes passed by increasingly slowly, and they knew it would take hours for them to be found, as it was dark outside.

They didn't know what to do, so they were forced to take cover until they either left or night got to a point where they couldn't see a foot in front of their face.

Tonight was gonna be fun.

As night fell on the desktop, and Alan logged off for the night after they explained the situation, the other were left alone to discuss what to do next.

"Should we let them find their way back or have someone find them?" Sapphire asked.

"This is Dark and Purple we're talking, Sapphire," King interrupted. "Where do you think they'd go?"

"Our old house?" Chosen suggested.

"BINGO!" Scarlet screamed.

"What?" Second asked, startled.

"One of us goes to Chosen and Dark's old house and helps them get home before Navy realizes their missing!" Scarlet explained.

"Depends. Purple probably escaped hours after he wrote that letter, and he could've left that like 2 hours before King realized Purple wrote it. For all we know, Navy already knows they're missing and has a pretty good idea where they're going." Green said.

"It wouldn't hurt to check! Maybe they've been able to find good hiding spots and haven't been detected yet!"

"And the chances of that happening are increasingly low. I'm sorry to break the truth, King, but the chances of you seeing Purple again go down with each passing minute. Same for you, Cho." Yellow said.

"We don't need science, Yellow!" Second snapped. "Those two are relying on nothing but hope right now, and you breaking that hope is going to put Purple and Dark in even more danger cause we aren't looking for them!"

"We know what Navy can do! If he knows we're after those two, there's no telling what he'll do to keep us off their trail!" Blue defended.

"Navy's only capable of murdering innocent people if King's love for Purple gets in the way!" Red began.

"Don't you start too!" Second snapped. "Why is nobody agreeing with me?!"

"Because Red is making a point. Every time King gets in the way of Navy and Purple, people die! For all we know, King's the reason Purples in this mess!" Yellow snapped.

"King has nothing to do with this! He's not interfering with Navy and Purple, Mr. Scientist. He's protecting Purple cause he loves him more than anything on this planet!" Gold defended his dad in less than a second.

"Oh shut up, Gold! What do you know?!" Blue snapped.

Scarlet pushed Blue to the ground, prompting Yellow to attack him. The group quickly engaged in a battle before Chosen threw fireballs from his palms and broke it up.

"Gold's right. King loves Purple probably just as much as I love Dark, and everytime Navy attacks Purple, King's there to protect him. People die because Navy's nothing but a psychopathic murderer that needs to be stopped. Second is correct when he says the more we stand around, the more danger Dark and Purple are in. It's best someone goes out there and finds them before a Navy does."

Second glared at Yellow and Blue before raising his hand up.

"I'll go out and find them."

King and Chosen glanced at him.

"Be careful. There's more than just Navy out there you need to be worried about. Dark or Purple could have one of the ViraBands from their escape, so I'd recommend being cautious."

"I will."

Chosen hugged him.

"Don't die out there. I can't lose you. I've already lost Dark."

Second reluctantly hugged him back. "I won't. Don't worry. I'll come back alive, with Dark and Purple with me."

"Thank you."

Apart But Together: Father & Son 3Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang