𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐌𝐚𝐧 𝐧𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞???

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The Spider duo both landed on top of the rooftop of Mile's apartment, as Miles turned his head looking at his girlfriend. "Alright Gwen, let's go over the game plan one more time, just remember, do not call them by their first names." He didn't want what happened last time to repeat itself as Gwen just rolled her eyes. She playfully punched Miles' arm before responding. "I promise I won't, now C'mon let's get this over with." Both eventually wall crawl against the brick wall doing their best not to get caught, eventually being successful. Reaching Miles window he carefully slides it up, making sure not to make too much noises. As Gwen began to whisper, "Isn't going through your window a horrible idea? Feels like your mom is going to ask even more questions." Gwen's anxiety was starting to act up a little. Just the fear of his mother walking in was scary.

"Trust me on this Gwen, nothing can go wr-" In the middle of the latino boy rebuttle, his mother entered the room as her face dropped. Seeing the damage on Mile's suit, his face scratched up, hair messed up, and most importantly, the spider logo emblem in the middle. And seeing the girl that promised to bring her son home, wearing a spider costume herself. This all meant one thing. Her son, and his....'friend'... is Spider-Man and Spider-Woman??? The room was silent, with everybody staring at each other. Gwen & Miles both looked at each other before Rio quickly ran up to the two teenagers embracing them in a hug.

"Mijo I missed you so much!" She yelled out as Gwen and Miles hugged her back. She was planting kisses on his forehead with the boy feeling slightly embarrassed, and Gwen giving him a smirk. The mother quickly focused her attention onto the girl. Both of them make eye contact. "Thank you for bringing my son home mija, look what you promised." Eventually letting go of the hug she backed up a few steps looking at the 2. "But believe me, you two have a lot to explain."

Brief timeskip.

"Okay, so you're telling me, Gwen, who I thought was Gwanda, is from a different dimension than us? The spider that bit you was from another universe and wasn't originally intended to bite you? You met other spider heroes from different dimensions a year ago? A guy who you threw a bagel at became a multidimensional villain? A vampire Spider-Man chased you down along with other spider heroes? AND you met another version of yourself?" Rio's mind was totally blown from hearing all of this. A part of herself was just worried for her son's safety. All of this happened in such a short period of time, and she knew none of this was going down. Making her feel irresponsible.

Both Miles and Gwen felt awkward during the exchange. They didn't know how his mother would react after all of this. Would she support their relationship? Would she force Miles to never see Gwen again. Hell, would she even allow him to continue being Spider-Man? "Mijo." Rio spoke out, breaking the silence as she sighed. "I'm sorry I let all of this happen to you. For all the times I've been hard on you. For not doing your homework on time, getting home early, or even visiting us. If I knew you was Spider-Man from the beginning, I would have been able to understand you better...." Some tears began to ran down her face as she tried to hold them back, but it just kept coming down as Miles walked up to her, slowly wiping them off. "Mama, it's okay. It's not your fault! In a way, I sorta chose to become Spider-Man. Destiny granted me the chance, and I took it." He hugged his momma reassuring her, it was his choice. And his alone."

Meanwhile Gwen was smiling on the couch. She always liked how soft Miles was around the people he loved and deeply cared about, including her. Rio looked at her before speaking. "And just know Gwen, you're welcomed here whenever. You're a part of the family." This made Gwen's heart warm, the woman she was a little bit afraid of, finally welcomed her into her room. "Thank you, Mrs. Morales." Both the mother and son finally let go before he turned back looking at Gwen. "Cmon Gwen, it's getting late, we need a lot of sleep after saving the multiverse." The blonde hair girl nodded following her boyfriend as he began to walk to his room. Rio seeing this yelled out, "Just make sure y'all don't make any babies in that room!" This caused both Miles & Gwen to blush. "Momma!" The yell of Miles could be heard across the apartment.

Somewhere else in New York.

A portal similar to the one Doctor Strange uses opened near Fisk Tower. A black gooey like substance fell out the portal as it immediately closed. It began slowly crawling around. Seemed almost as if it was confused on where it was...and its goal. It quickly saw a poster hung up with the image of Spider-Man. The spider emblem made it remember what its goal was. As a head formed out of the sludge licking the poster. To find and eliminate Spider-Man.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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