You're safe with us.

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After Tom had left, i felt off. I was scared. I was scared incase Max found out Tom knew. Sacred of what he would do. I messaged Claudia to see how her work event was going and she messaged back within seconds. I decided to call her since she said she had some free time to spare.

"Hey Dia" i said, i was happy that i got to speak to her. I missed her, "I miss you"
"Hello sweetie, i miss you too" she giggled, "Happy sweet 16th!"
"Haha, thank you so much, i wish you could spend it with me" i said solemnly, i really wished she was here right now.
"I know my love, me too, but i will be back tomorrow and maybe we can do something then? how does that sound" she questioned.
"That sounds great, i'd love that" i said smiling
"What are you doing today for your birthday" she asked.
"Remember Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer from when i was younger?" i said, "i've rekindled with them and they're throwing me a party"
"Oh my! i remember those boys, they were such sweet kids. you loved them." she gasped, "Oh i'm so happy you're spending this special day with them"
"Me too" i smiled, looking down.
"Sweetheart, i have to go okay? i will call you later and i wish to speak with those boys too! i'd love to hear from them" she said in a rush, "i love you"
"okay, i love you too" i said and hung up the phone. I sat there for a few minutes and sighed. I started to feel a bit tired and it was only 9:00am and the party wasn't starting till around 7 or 8pm tonight so i just went up to my room, put my phone on my beside table and went to sleep.

Majority of the day had passed and i eventually woke up. That sleep was needed. I laid in bed for about 5 minutes before i realised.
"Shit! what time is it" i quickly sat up and grabbed my phone. It was 5:48pm. That wasn't bad but it was still cutting a fine line. I noticed that i had got some messages from the boys but i gathered it was just about the party so i got up and hopped in the shower. I washed my hair and did all my skin care stuff. I spent around 45 minutes in the shower before getting out and doing my hair and makeup. I looked at the bruises on my face and on my neck and just sighed before attempting to cover them up as best as i possibly could. I put my clothes on and started to straighten my hair until i got a call from Georg.

"Hey what's up, i'm in the middle of doing my hair" i said, putting the straighteners down.
"You didn't answer my messages earlier so i got a bit worried" he sounded relieved and i was confused.
"Oh I'm sorry, i fell back asleep this morning and got up not too long ago, you sure everything's alright?" i questioned in curiosity.
"No yeah everything is fine, what time you thinking of being here? the party starts in like 20 minutes" he said and i gasped.
"20 minutes?! okay let me finish my hair and i will message you when i'm on my way okay?" i said picking the straighteners back up.
"Okay okay, see you soon" he said before he hung up. I continued to do my hair and touch up my makeup.

Before i left i made sure i had everything and put my perfume on before putting it in my bag and opening my door to leave. As i closed my door i got a message. It was from Max. I opened the message, 'i'm going to pick you up in 20 minutes, remember what i said. play nice." i scoffed and rolled my eyes and ignored the message. Play nice my ass. I locked my door and flagged down a taxi to get to Bills house. I texted Georg to let him know i was here and not long after he came and opened the door and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back but winced in pain as he pressed down on the one of the bruises on my waist. He pulled from the hug and i smiled trying to hide the pain but he looked at me weirdly, like as if he knew something but quickly brought me inside.

It was filled with people i didn't know. I was convinced that i only knew Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav. A lot of people came and said happy birthday to me and it made me quite happy. I went to get a drink before i felt a hand on my shoulder, i jumped a little and turned around and saw it was Tom.

"Jesus you scared me" i said giving a sigh of relief that it was him.
"Sorry, here let me grab that for you" he said taking my drink and the food i had and walked me over to the stairs. We sat down and i started eating.
"How you feeling?" he asked, glancing over to me.
"I feel fine" i looked at him and realised what he actually meant, "Tom not here please, i don't want to talk about it right now" i sighed.
"You don't have to, but that isn't going to stop me from checking up on you" he smiled before nudging me. I laughed a bit before eating some

We sat together for a bit before my phone started going off. I knew exactly who it was so i turned my phone off and handed it to Tom.
"Why you giving me your phone?" he looked at me confused.
"I cannot be asked to deal with whoever it is, so take it before i loose my mind" i said leaning against the step above me. He nodded and put my phone in the inside of his jacket pocket.

"Mia!!!" i heard someone shout from the top of the stairs, it was Bill. I smiled widely as he ran down the stairs. He plopped down beside me and hugged me.
"I hope you like your party" he said unsurely. I looked at him and smiled.
"I love it Bill" i said smiling and he hugged me again.

An hour or so passed and i was mainly with Bill as the others went to scout for girls to get with. Bill and I were talking to these girls, they were really nice, about Bill's career with the band and his tours and stuff before i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around with a smile but that quickly changed as soon as i realised it was not who i thought it was. It was Max. I looked at him in fear. He did not look happy at all. I tried to move back subtly but he pulled me in by my waist causing me in wince in pain once again due to the bruises.
"You and I need to have a little talk, don't you think" he whispered in my ear before pulling my arm. I turned around and saw Bill looking at us. I could just tell by his facial expression that i looked terrified. Max brought me outside to their garden, where there was barely anyone. It spooked me out as it was actually really dark.

"Do you think you're funny Mia?" he said angrily. I took a step back, trying to keep quiet.
"I don't know what you're talking about" i replied.
"I went to your house and you weren't there! i told you i was going to pick you up." the tone in his voice was getting more and more angrier.
"Max I-" i went to say something but he cut me off.
"plus you're not answering my calls or messages?!" he shouted, causing me to jump. He moved closer to me and i kept stepping back.
"In fact, where is your phone" he said grabbing me up searching me.
"I don't have it!" i snapped back, pushing him away from me. This seemed to anger him more.

He gripped up my neck and i gasped as he pushed me against the shed door. The pain from the bruise that was already there stung like a bitch. I could feel the tears in my eyes. The pain was too much to endure. He got his fist into a ball and looked at me dead in the face.

"Then who has it" he gritted his teeth. Just as he was about to hit me, a voice came from behind him. It was Tom and the others.
"Me." Tom said causing Max to let go of me and turn around. I slid down to the floor, holding my neck not paying attention to them.
"Oh! that's good. see Mia, you haven't lost your phone" Max laughed nervously as he looked back at me. He went to come toward me before Gustav stood in front of me.
"Back the fuck up" Gustav said angrily, "you don't go near her"
"She's my girlfriend. i will go near her if i want, now move bro" Max snapped back.
"Or what?" Georg said, "you gonna hit him like you hit Mia?"

I never looked up so fast in my life. Bill came over to me and pulled me to my feet and just kept his arm around me.
"What?" Max asked in disbelief. He sounded scared, "i've never hurt Mia, i would never". I scoffed as soon as he said that and he turned to look at me.
"I saw the fucking marks you asshole" Tom said in nothing but pure anger. Max went to say something but Gustav punched him right in the mouth making him drop on the floor. I turned my head and buried it into Bills chest and he held me tighter.
"Guys come on, she doesn't need to see this" Bill said, walking me towards the back door. Tom ignored him and kicked Max once or twice.
"TOM!" Bill shouted, "enough!". Tom looked over at us and looked at me. Guilt was plastered over his face once he saw me. He walked over to us and Georg and Gustav followed.
"Go near her again and you won't be let off so easily" Gustav said walking back into the house and the rest of us followed. Bill looked down at me and kissed my head.
"Don't worry Mia, you're safe with us" he said rubbing my back as we walked back in. Safe.

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