Rockers & Writers

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Music Store
Olivia was being carried by Austin in the music store. She was holding two corndogs and was bored, hearing how Austin would need instruments for his "career". Austin walked in with Dez.

He Put Olivia down, took the corn dogs from her and started playing the drums after Dez said, Action!

Some random girl came by and whistled in their ears making Austin stop.

"Did you not see the, 'please do not play the drums' sign?" The brunet girl said, pointing to it.

"It's ok I'm an awesome drummer!" Replied Austin, Olivia just giggled at her brothers stupidity.

He started to play again until she stopped him and said, "What you just said has nothing to do with what I just said, are those corndogs?"


Austin gave Olivia a corndogs and she was about to eat it with him until the brunette took it away from her.

"Ew, honey do you know how dirty these drums are and how unhealthy corndogs are?" She asked Olivia and turned back to Austin " You shouldn't feed it to her it will make her sick. And there's no food allowed in here." The brunette said

Olivia pouted and Austin gave her a bite of his own. She smiles happily as Dez tried to persuade the brunette.

"I'll take care of this Austin. Ma'm we are making a music video. I am the director, although I prefer the term filmmaker."

Dez throws the phone in the air behind him as it shatters, "AND CUT!" Austin said "We're gonna need a lot of instruments. I can play anything piano, drums, guitar, harp. I can even play a trumpet through another trumpet."

As Austin starts playing a trumpet through another trumpet to the song of (idk the horse riding one? Iykyk) as Dez gives Olivia a piggyback ride and acts as a horse and dances.

As Austin finishes everyone starts clapping but Olivia cheers the loudest, "YAY". Austin says, "Thanks Olly".

As Austin takes Olly from Dez. Dez starts trying to act the same as Austin. "We'll I can play a harmonica through a sousaphone."

As Dez puts the harmonica in the sousaphone, he blows and the harmonica flies into an old lady's mouth. Olly gasped and hugged Austin tight bc she was scared.

"PREPARE TO BE HEIMLICHED!" As Dez runs to the poor old lady's rescue.

Austin starts,"here's the thing about the instruments..." "you don't have the money." The brunette finishes.

Austin tries to compromise, "what if, I pay you back when I get rich and famous?" He sets Olly down on the counter.

"GREAT! just have your butler fly over on your private jet and drop off a sack of shiny gold coins!" The brunette says sarcastically, Austin didn't get the hint.



The brunette walks away as Olly started to drift off. Austin picks her up. But as he does out comes flying a pair of dentures biting on to a harmonica. The brunette gives it to Austin so he can pay for it.

He gives Olly to Dez so he can watch her and hopefully get her to take a small nap. So he can figure this out.

When Austin came back Olly was asleep in Dez's arms, so he just took her and went home with Dez.


The next day

Austin blew up overnight with a some that he wrote, except he didn't really write it but as dumb as he is he doesn't know it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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