CHAPTER 40 - hey kids

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"C'mon.. pick up." I mutter back to my phone as I stand outside the bathroom against the cart that's full of Sousuke and I's groceries.

Why the hell is it taking him so long to piss?

I sigh and call him once again for what feels like the 40th time already, and he finally answered.

"Sousuke, what the hell are you—"


"Huh? Sousuke, stop it.. that isn't funny. Come on before the frozen groceries thaw out."


He was suddenly cutoff by the sound of his phone being snatched up by someone else.

"The real Kou!" My eyebrows raise at the sound of the voice. He was giggling, and I knew this wasn't some joke anymore. "I never thought that I would get the chance to talk to you again!"

I recognize this voice.

It's that creep from the farshore that has been giving my brother and I trouble for ages.. the guy that looks exactly like Hanako, his twin brother.


"What the hell are you up to now!" I exclaim as I leave the store with the cart full of groceries, rushing out to my car.

"I found something I liked and took it, what's so wrong with that?" "What do you mean what's wrong with that!? You can't just steal people from the real world whenever you want!" "Well it's only fair because I've had my eyes on him for so long.." "Let him go or so help me god I wi—" "You can have him back soon! After I'm done with him of course."

I know him. He always wants something. If I can pay him back for the right price, I'll meet him face to face and get Sousuke back.

"What do you want." I mutter as I load the last of the groceries into my backseat, shutting the door and rushing the cart to the cart return. "Name your price."

"My price? Hmm.. I'll need to think about that!"

"Tell me how to get to you. We're doing this face to face."

"Okay! You'll know when we're ready for you soon enough!"

"You didn't answer me! Hey! You didn't fucking answer me—!!"

The phone is suddenly hung up on.

I need to get there fast. The longer it takes me to get there is the longer that Sousuke will be held hostage.

I quickly began driving home, making sure that I was following all laws and road safety of course, and soon enough made it back to my place. Thankfully the grocery store that Sousuke walked to by foot this morning wasn't a horrifically long walk from my place. Convenient and smart.

I don't think I ever unloaded and stored groceries as fast as I did once I made it home before in my life. For crying out loud, Sousuke's life was on the line right now. Tsukasa isn't the type of guy to take his own words lightly, so there is no such thing as time and patience with him.

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