Chapter 1

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     Here I was sitting at school and already dreading going home. My dad came home drunk again last night and he got fired from his job, he came home mad and once again took it out on me.

I never understood why he did it but I never questioned his actions. He hasn't always been like this just since my mom died last year. He blames me for her death since she was driving me to my friends house.

"Hey Ella! Wanna come over after school? My parents are going out so it will just be us!" My best friend Abigail doesn't know about my dad no one does actually. I really want to tell her but I don't know how to bring it up.

" I can't today sorry my dad wants me to watch the game with him tonight." That's a lie, he hasn't watch a game in over a year. I feel bad lying to her but I can't tell her the truth. "Oh ok we'll then have fun I'll text you after class!"

The rest of the day went by fairly fast even though I wished it hadn't. I was walking home as slow as I could hoping he was sleeping or out doing something. I walked in and didn't see him anywhere so I thought he was asleep. I tried to be as quiet as possible to go to my room so he didn't know I was home.

Just as I was about to walk up the stairs I heard him, " Excuse me! Where the fuck do you think your going you whore."

"I was just going to my room to study." He walked towards me slowly and I knew I had said something wrong. "I don't think so bitch. Go to the liquor store and get me some more whiskey!" "But dad I'm underaged they won't let me buy any."

"Go to Tony's he'll let you get some." I nodded my head and didn't say anything else. I knew that if I did it would be so much worse.

As I was on my way there I saw a puppy across the road, I didn't think I just acted and ran out in the middle of the road to get it. As I did this motorcycle came out of no where and almost wrecked trying to avoid me.

I felt really bad but didn't think much of it as I would probably not ever see this person again anyway. I bent down to the little puppy in the road and it looked like a German shepherd puppy it was so cold and frail and I just couldn't leave him there.

I decided to take it home with me but I had nothing to take care of a puppy with, so I went to the store to get puppy stuff with the money my dad gave me, I knew I would probably get in so much trouble if he found out but I couldn't leave the puppy.

After I got everything I thought the puppy would need, I headed to Tony's in hope that maybe he would see that I needed to get the alcohol for my father. As I was walking into Tony's, I noticed two motorcycles like the one that almost hit me and a bunch of black cars around it.

I didn't think about it too much and just went in. "Hey Tony!!" " Hey kiddo how've you been?" As he said that he saw the bruises on my face and gave me a sympathetic look. "It's been alright I guess." I lied it had actually been a lot worst than it had before.

"Well can I help you with anything?" "Yeah I hate to ask you but dad wants more whiskey and I don't have any money." I looked down at my feet as I hated asking him for anything. "Of course kiddo but this is the last time I can do this considering I just sold the place so i can finally retire!" I was happy he finally got to retire, he has worked here ever since I can remember and hardly ever has a day off!

" Thank you so much and that's wonderful news I hope you enjoy your retirement!" He smiled at me and he handed me the bottle of whiskey. "Well thank you so much but I really better get going before dad gets mad."

"I completely understand and your so very welcome!" I waved at him as I walked out of the store/bar. Duke as I named my new puppy was sitting outside waiting for me. At least in this horrible house I'll finally have something good in it.

Well that was chapter one I know it was short but they'll get longer in time! I hope y'all enjoyed it and if I messed up feel free to let me know! I love y'all sm!❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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