the intruder

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The next day, Jeonghyeon showed up to school looking even worse than the day before. Ricky noticed right away, and his heart sank. The teacher also noticed and asked Jeonghyeon if he was okay. Jeonghyeon replied that he was fine and headed to his seat, while the classmates whispered and worried about him once again.

A few minutes into the lesson, Ricky saw that Jeonghyeon had his head down on the desk and was asleep once again. Turns out he cried all night because of Ricky. Ricky couldn't believe that he had hurt Jeonghyeon so much that he couldn't even stay awake in class. Ricky started to feel guilty and worried about Jeonghyeon. He asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom, and the teacher told him to make it quick.

Ricky couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the day before. When he arrived at school, he noticed that Jeonghyeon looked terrible. His hair was unkempt, and his eyes looked red as if he had been crying all night. Ricky couldn't help but feel guilty, knowing that he was the cause of Jeonghyeon's heartbreak.

The teacher noticed Jeonghyeon's appearance and asked if he was okay. Jeonghyeon replied that he was fine and headed to his seat, while the classmates whispered about him and started to worry. A few minutes into the lesson, Ricky saw that Jeonghyeon had his head down on the desk and was asleep.

Ricky's heart sank as he realized that Jeonghyeon had cried himself to sleep because of him. He felt terrible and knew that he needed to talk to Jeonghyeon. He asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom, and the teacher told him to make it quick.

Ricky was washing his hands in the bathroom, lost in his thoughts, when suddenly the intercom blared,

"Attention all students and faculty, there is an intruder in the school. Please remain calm and stay quiet in your classrooms until further notice."

Ricky's heart raced as he remembered what his mom, who used to be a teacher, had taught him to do in these types of situations. He quickly got into one of the stalls, locked it, and stayed quiet, hoping that everyone else in the school was safe.

Meanwhile, back in the classroom, Jeonghyeon was worried since Ricky was in the bathroom. The teacher had obviously told the class to stay in one corner, but Jeonghyeon managed to slip through and he ran to the bathroom.

He looked around for Ricky and saw his feet in a stall. He went up to the stall and tried to open it, but Ricky had locked it. "Ricky, it's me, Jeonghyeon. Unlock the door," he whispered frantically.

Ricky hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should trust Jeonghyeon, who he had hurt in the past. "Who are you to be commanding me to unlock the door?" he asked, fear and uncertainty in his voice.

"Ricky, it's me, Jeonghyeon. I'm just worried about you. Please unlock the door," Jeonghyeon pleaded, his voice shaking.

Ricky took a deep breath and unlocked the door. Jeonghyeon peeked inside the stall and saw that Ricky was okay. "Thank goodness you're safe. We need to get back to the classroom," he said, relief evident in his voice.

"But the intrud-" Jeonghyeon pushed Ricky back into the stall and locked the door as they heard the intruder's footsteps approaching.

Ricky's heart was pounding in his chest as he realized that they were trapped in the small space together. "What if the intruder comes in here and checks the stalls?" he whispered, his voice shaking with fear.

"Shh, calm down," Jeonghyeon whispered back, trying to keep his own fear at bay. But Ricky was still hyperventilating, and Jeonghyeon knew he needed to do something to calm him down.

Suddenly, the lights went out, and Ricky's fear turned into panic. He couldn't see anything, and he was barely able to catch his breath. He started crying, hoping that he and Jeonghyeon would survive this ordeal.

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