🌸chapter 2🌸

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*mika and amy had been talking giggling and and enjoying life even though it was kinda the end of the world, amy and mika then agreed they would be a duo and would never betray each other,*

🌸time skip🌸

*as amy and mika were on an expedition they saw multiple corpses and havoc and raiders, though they wanted to die they still stayed alive for each other, it was midnight and they had flashlights, amy grabbed her flashlight to turn it on and saw it had a Mickey drawing on it snd she realized mika had switched her flashlight they laughed about it, they then saw mutated insects every once in a while but mika mostly killed them, one day they got into an argument over a...*

*can of beans. They gave up and just started screaming at the top of their lungs, not saying anything but just... Screaming, amys voice turned raspy and it sounded like a dying rat so they laughed about it and forgot about the... Poor beans💔, one day when they were just laying around amy started being very hyper and mika soon realized it was because amy had inhaled a whole jar of sugar so she knew amy was gonna have a sugar rush and she strapped amy down to the floor with tape so she couldnt do anything crazy and amy was shaking and trying to escape as if she was insane and eventually started biting the tape because she had nothing better to do*

Mika:"... I think they might have dropped you as a kit, BECAUSE WHAT KIND OF PERSON EATS TAPE-"

*amy ignored her and contiued eating tape till she got tired and fell asleep, she woke up 5 hours later and was thirsty, and she INHALED an entire bottle of water within seconds, and then she noticed in the dark corner of the abandoned city, a pair of sharp green eyes staring at her from the dark... Will she survive? Or will she not.*


Chapter 2 rewritten :3


🌸Sakura🌸 (REWRITTEN!) Where stories live. Discover now