chap 1:The first birds to leave the nest

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It was a morning like any other except that it is the day of the Nishimura's arrival
Or some of least

Korea is a hotspot, K-pop, 'k-drama', blah blah blah
It makes you want to live that movie lifestyle
Niki is no exception to this, make friends and live a drama worthy life! Sounds easy enough right??

Japan was Niki's home, his place of birth and his childhood memories remain in that very vivid house he had lived in for the past 16 years of his life

Nishimura Takara, recently got a job opportunity in Korea. However there was an issue with this, the sudden decrease in Mika's health. She was recently diagnosed with the very VERY early stages of cancer, so early that if treated won't cause a threat to her future self at all

If not for their mothers illness the whole family would go but Takara felt obligated to stay with his dearest wife until the doctor had confirmed that she would be risk free. So after much consideration... Niki and Konon were sent to Korea to set up everything for their parents and younger sister to join them in what was hoped to be the next few months.

This was the first trip down so Takara Nishimura accompanied his two children as they ventured out into the world.

The house was set up. They had got an agent to inspect the very well kept house that they had seen on the market a few months prior, and had bought it immediately, after confirming that the house was eligible for sustaining their family

Today was their first time seeing the house in person, Konon and Niki were overwhelmed by emotions. Mostly excitement



Konon:what's up Ki?


Konon: haha, well he looks excited

Konon said glancing at her father who looked equally as happy that Niki liked the house

Niki was stood at the door of the house just staring in awe



Konon instantly put the suitcase she had in her hand down and ran to where Niki was


Takara: wow, I actually didn't see what the house looked like in person. I'm lucky I saw this house on the market. Do you guys like it?

Konon and Niki both looked like puppies when they see a treat, nodding in sync.

Takara: haha! Well you two can look around for a bit more, I'm going to go contact the warehouse to get our stuff

When the Nishimura parents had gotten the job opportunity and bought the house, they planned to send everything they owned to Korea so it was already waiting for them when they arrived, however when Mika was diagnosed and the family decided to send only their two oldest down they send them with a few large items such as family heirlooms, childhood items and clothes so the two could decorate the families soon to be home

As Takara left the two Nishimuras sprinted into the house and were greeted by the LARGE entrance and living room

Konon:so where is the dance room?

Niki:I'm not exactly sure where but I know that there is one, look

Konon followed Niki's line of sight and saw a piece of paper hanging beside the door with some Hangul on it, the Nishimura family had been to Korea before so almost all of the family could read and speak fluent(ish) Korean

Konon: a dance room and recording studio?!

Niki:there's something up with this place...

Konon looked over to see her little brother wearing a sour sort of expression

Niki:don't you think it's a bit suspicious? Such a luxurious house on the market for such a low price, it's almost like the embodiment of 'too good to be true'

Konon: I get what you mean, it is a bit suspicious, let's be cautious. OK? Like no opening doors for strangers the may be serial killers and are gonna murder us

As Konon finished her sentence her and Niki broke out into laughter

Niki: Come on, let's go find the dance room!

Konon and Niki both walked around the house, the white walls that seemed to brighten up the house. However there was one room that just felt...dull, no matter where the sun was in the room it still felt dark

After a bit of searching they found what they had been searching for, the dance room! Upon opening the room it felt refreshing, a burst of fresh air escaped the room and you could feel the wax on the floor. As Konon was about to step in she saw her brother run and dive down. Gliding across the newly waxed floors like a penguin on ice, as he came to a halt he spun like a ninja turtle on their shell and laid spread out like a starfish on the dance room floor

Konon: Oii! Be careful you'll get hurt

She managed to spit out through her laughter at her adorable little brother's actions

Almost too coincidentally, as she took a few steps towards him, she ended up falling

In almost an instant reflex, Niki spun himself around so his head was facing the mirrors and broke Konons fall using his chest

Niki:Wow, you were really eager to join me huh?

Konon just laughed at her brothers quick thinking and made sure he wasn't hurt by the impact

As Konon got up she took out her phone and set it up against the wall so you could see the back view of the two and the reflection of them in the mirrors


She yelled out as the music to the popular theme song from the anime 'Oshi no ko' started to play. Niki jumped up and they both did the dance then proceeded to dance super shy and a few others. After a few dances they both decided to leave it at that for the moment and went to go pick a room before their dad came back

However, there was still a feeling that Niki could not shake. Konon has very good balance, so does Niki, it's something the two had worked on since they started to dance many many years ago. Even when they went ice skating she very rarely lost balance. Did Konon really just fall on the semi slippers floor?

"I guess we'll have to walk carefully while the wax is still fresh" Niki muttered to himself as he followed Konon out of the room but still didn't completely brush of the feeling that she didnt purely slip by means of the waxy floor

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Cut<3 {^•^}/

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