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Growing up my brother was my best friend but also my bully. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters in my family so it was nice to have someone who'd actually play barbies with me. I'm the youngest and the closest girl, in age, is 4 years older so she was always at a different part in life than me. It was a struggle because he was going through things during his teenage years and would take it out on me! He'd pick on me like older brothers do but than he'd go to far and start rumors, or call to say harsh things, or other things that don't matter anymore. I wasn't perfect either but it was really hard because I'd go to tell my mom, and she'd get mad at me. Now we were able to talk about it. She apologizes for letting it get too bad and I'm finally able to see if from the overwhelmed mother of 8 point of view. He struggled with things and she was trying to help him. I still will always see him as a friend because when I needed a friend he was there. We hung out all the time and he, for the most part, got over his bully stage. My mom was busy with 8 kids and worked full time. A couple of them struggled mentally. she learned from an early age that she could say I'm disappointed and leave it at that. It made me scared to mess up and disappoint her. Me and my mom have talked about it and she has apologized for not being there as much and I know she was trying. This is not my perspective of my mom and brother now, but as a 15 year old going through it all, this was how I felt.

this Isn't about him

This isn't about him at all!

it's about me and you

it's about the neglect you put me through

I'd be lying if I said it was a ball

You confused the child I once was

just because

you neglected the preteen me, who was begging you for help 

You blamed the teenage me

Who's fault is it?

yours or mine?

I'm damaged beyond repair

but do you really care?

You can't get to me

I wont let you

but what about me?

How do I escape me? 

I'm so far gone and I'm to blame

I took it all to heart 

overused I'm sorry 

My best skill is my biggest flaw

I'll let you walk all over me!  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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