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"who the fuck is this?" kevin shouts from behind the bar, gesturing to the tall noirette towering behind svetlana.
"this is nephew.. he is strong, hardworking man. he will work for cheap in exchange for shelter and food." svetlana retaliates, as kevin lets out a frustrated sigh. "no, svet.. with gemma and amy it's just too many people, V would never agree, even if i said yeah, sorry but he's gonna have to find another place" 

svetlana rolls her eyes at him, before storming off, a harsh grip on Viktors arm.

As they walk, the night begins to darken, the sky a dark hue of blue. As a last resort, svet heads to the gallagher house, she enters the house, her grip tightening on the slavic boys arm.

"who the hell is that?" ian murmers to mickey, from inside the kitchen. "fuck if i know" he shoots back, as svetlana enters the kitchen, approaching the two boys.
"this is Nephew, Viktor. He needs place to stay, you understand?" She says, her accent thick

"he's not staying with us " they both say, in unison. "yes he is. end of story, he is staying here" she snarls, wanting nothing to do with the noirette, as she flees the house, leaving Viktor with the two men.

Mickey makes eye contact with Ian, giving him a look, Ian smirks, as mickey rapidly shakes his head no, as the pair perish into the next room, arguing loudly as if Viktors existence was never apparent to them in the first place. after a few minutes, which felt like hours to the noirette,  the couple returns to the kitchen. "fine, you can stay, only for a little while though." Mickey mumbles at Viktor only to be met with a confused look, the raven haired boy knitting his dark eyebrows together "don't tell me you don't know any fuckin english" mickey seethes, pure frustration dripping from his words.

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