Be grateful

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Be grateful for what you have💕

In a world where homes are scarce and few,
Let gratitude guide us, strong and true.
For every roof that shelters our head,
Let's count our blessings, as we break bread.

Amidst the shadows where the homeless roam,
Their silent struggles, often unknown.
Let's open our hearts, lend a helping hand,
For in unity, we truly understand.

Their faces, etched with stories untold,
Remind us of treasures worth more than gold.
A humble abode, a place to call home,
A sanctuary where love freely roams.

Let gratitude bloom with each passing day,
As we cherish the roof that keeps storms at bay.
For in our fortune, let empathy thrive,
And kindle compassion, so all may survive.

Let's not take for granted what we possess,
But embrace humility, and truly express,
Gratitude for the blessings we receive,
And strive to support, inspire, and believe.

For in the shelter, we find solace and peace,
A haven of comfort, where worries decrease.
May we extend kindness to those in need,
And sow seeds of gratitude, like noblest deed.

So let us be grateful, with hearts open wide,
For the blessings we have, with no need to hide.
And in our gratitude, may we find our way,
To a world where all have shelter, come what may.

Be grateful, Poem by EllaWhere stories live. Discover now