Chapter X "Passing Fights"

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(Y/n) POV:

I started to wake up from my sudden knock out while getting up and looking around, only to find that I had broken through my Ice and ended up out of bounds 'God damnit,' I thought to myself before the smoke cleared and I saw Bakugo also standing out of bounds "Both participants are out of bounds, It's a tie!" Midnight yelled as I tried to walk forward but felt a sharp pain. I felt the place that caused the pain but realized that it wasn't only one place, my whole body was burnt badly 'Guess my little move did a number on me,' I thought while chuckling to myself and using my water to heal myself, which worked, but didn't get rid of the marks.

I walked back up the to the arena, as did Bakugo and we simply stood facing each other "So what's gonna be the tie breaker?" I asked while stretching a little "There will be no such thing as your both sustaining injury's that would need to be healed within a few days," Midnight explained "So i'm guessing that means were sharing?" I asked to which they nodded. I gave a sigh of disappointment before extending my hand towards Bakugo "Thanks for the fun match, been awhile since I've had injury's like these," I said, but Bakugo simply scoffed and walked away 'Honestly, what was I expecting?' I thought to myself.

~Time Skip~

One healthy trip to recovery girl later and me and Bakugo went to our standings for First while Todoroki and Tokoyami got second and third place 'Who would have expected this outcome?' I waited for the announcement to be made, just as Midnight started speaking "The first year students have completed all of the events for the UA sports festival". I felt as the ground started to move and we slowly begun to rise "Now it's time to relax and enjoy the awards ceremony," she said as fireworks started to go off and music blasted while the crowd began to cheer and smoke was released then cleared as we appeared in front of the students and cameras.

I could tell the Bakugo was still pissed at the fact that it was tie and we couldn't have a tie breaker because of our injury's, but he was at least not out bursting at me or trying to explode me into oblivion "Tenya Iida actually share's the third place award with Tokoyami, but unfortunately he had to leave for family reasons... gotta love those familial bonds," Midnight announced. The people were taking pictures as Midnight then said "Now, Let's bring out the hardware, of course there's only one person worthy of distributing the awards," and just as she finished her sentence, a laugh was heard from up top and everyone immediately recognized who it was as the person then jumped and landed while speaking, but I couldn't hear what he said as Midnight talked over him.

"So now that your here All Might, why don't you start the presentation?" Midnight said after her embarrassing moment while handing the medals to him as he grabbed one and walked up to Tokoyami "Young Tokoyami, congratulations, you showed great strength out there," he said as Tokoyami thanked him and All might gave him a hug.  He then grabbed another and walked towards Todoroki "Young Todoroki, congratulations, I'm sure there's a reason you didn't use your left side, tho it costed you the semi-final," he said in reassurance as all Todoroki did was look down in disappointment.

"Midoriya opened my eye's during our match," Todo said; suddenly speaking up "But then I started to doubt myself, I think I now understand a little about why your so interested in him," Todo explained "I want to be the kind of hero you are, but my path isn't as clear as I thought it was, I have a lot to think about... and I still need to settle things with someone, very soon," Todo said.  All Might nodded and gave him a hug while saying "I won't ask for details, but trust yourself and I'm sure you'll work things out," "Right...," Todo responded as All might then backed away, grabbed the first place medal and walked towards me and Bakugo.

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