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Plot: Miles has been studying and being spiderman so much that he hasn't had any sleep.

Miles POV:
I was doing my homework and realized how many packets I have left. I looked at the clock and it was 1:46 am I sighed as I finished some more packets. My parents had my studying every single day and they grounded me for 5 weeks and they took away from art supplies and headphone because of the spot situation. I look back at the problem and start saying it out loud as my voice got shaky tears started to fall out of my eyes. I tried to hold back but I started to sob, getting out of my chair and going to my bed. I then started to beat up myself with words saying "You're worthless." "You mean nothing." "Your a mistake." I stopped crying after 15 minutes hearing a portal sound. "Mate?" Hobie said. "I left my jacket yk I'm not spiderpunk without it." He says jokingly.
"It's on my desk." I said trying not to sound sad but he noticed something was wrong.
"Love, what's wrong." Hobie asked.
"It's nothing." I said.
"Please just tell me." Hobie said softly.
"I said nothing's wrong so go away!" I exclaimed. I regretted yelling at him but he didn't leave. Instead he just sat at the end of my bed.
"I know that something's wrong so please just tell me, I could help." Hobie said. I sighed and got up and sat by Hobie.
"It's just that there's a lot going on and it's just too much." I say.
"Anything specific."
"Homework and being spiderman."
"It looks like you haven't gotten any sleep either." Hobie says. I nodded in response, Hobie then got up. "How about I do your homework and you can get some sleep." Hobie suggested.
"No no you can't do that I have to do it." I said as I attempted to stand up but I almost fall back down.
"You need to get some sleep, I'm not asking." Hobie demanded.
"I can't do that plus you can't make me." I say.
"Wanna bet?" He says. I make a face and he grabs me and pulls me to the bed and holds me while laying down. I couldn't move and I just melted into his touch and fell asleep as he kissed me on the forehead. I woke up and looked at the clock and saw that it was 8:00 am and it was Sunday. I worried about my homework but I got up and it was finished. "It's all done love don't worry." Hobie says startling me.
"Thank you for doing this for me!" I says as I hug him tight.
"No need for thanks." He says.
"Hey, since it's Sunday could we go swinging for a bit?" I ask.
"Sure." He answered. We put on our masks and swung out through the window.

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