jeanie's monologue

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(see new girl season 2 episode 16 about 6-10 minutes in when Jess and Cece are talking)

I slowly walk towards the door and open it. I look at him, eye contact and all,

"The key is just over there but first..."

I take a deep breath and continue speedingly

"I want you to know that by me doing this, it doesn't mean you have me. This isn't some power move of yours. I am over you okay? You aren't allowed to manipulate me like you did before and use me as a rebound because that's messed up. You don't just get to stroll back in and fuck with me every time I decide to forgive you. Granted I know I overreacted a few times but what do you expect from me you know? I was surprised and a bit hurt. But I genuinely don't care anymore and if you can just be straightforward from now on, I can-

Nickolas leans in.. he rests his hands on my waist and he kisses me

we stand there in the doorway for the count of...




with a twinge of anxiety on 4 I pull him by the collar of his button up.... wait it's night time he's wearing a t-shirt I grab him by the neck/shoulder into the room and I move my head off his face, a face I had forgotten the touch of...

I continue the monologue still quickly but a bit slower than before,

"that means no more lies, this isn't a game anymore I don't want to keep playing chess with you we were supposed to be friends. I know

things got screwed up along the

way so






a movie with me?"

Nickolas starts nodding up and down

"Yea dummy of course," he says as he makes his way to my bed "That was a lot of words to ask to watch a movie you know"

"I know.. but how else was I supposed to tell you? Not over text ew and you wouldn't have listened if I told you at school too much going on there. it needed to be like this"

"Bold of you to gamble on if I was listening just now " acting smug he sits down on my bed, on the side that's closest to the window.

"Oh, it's not a gamble. If we don't act right in the allotted time of my choosing I'll nuke our friendship and you will never talk to me again. I, like you, have changed alot. I am a different person now too. For all I know you could have just heard the words "fucked", "screwed" and "have me" but best not to ponder. I do know that you stayed for a reason and I hope it's for the right ones." I say confidently and hopeful

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