I'll remeber you

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It was in the year 2022, I remember it clearly as if it was just yesterday.
A entire year has passed since that day, oh how I wished to get back to those golden days..
My friends, my second family..
Oh how I miss them.
You're probably wondering "what does she mean?",
well it's pretty simple to understand.
In the year 2022 was my graduation and also the year where my favorite part of life ended.

It was in August 13 when school began, I was going to be one of the older ones.
Me and my classmates already knew each other from the years before, but we weren't that close with each other.
In my school, in 2020/2021 there was a M class and a A class, I was in the M class, some of my classmates always used to handout with the ones in the A class, which was why we didn't really had much contact.
That all changed when the year 2021/2022 began, there was no longer a A class, it was only us, the M class.
At first we were all in our different friend groups, there was the popular friend group, the gamer friend group, the weird kids friend group and so on.
I was in the popular friend group, I was one of the most loved person in my class since I got along with everybody and didn't had any enemies, well at least not in my school.
I think all those groups combined in one was when we had a trip to Munich, it was in the second week after school had started, we lost our teacher and since we didn't had any phones with us we sticked together and searched for her around the area.
While doing that we talked a lot, calmed each other down and made some jokes.
That's when it all began, the start of our favorite school year.

At some point we found her and were relieved, since she had out tickets and our phones.
Btw, she took away our phones because 90% of the class was focused more on them then on the trip, ups.
Anyways, we all got back to school and well, after that day we were all one group.
We hung out in our free time, after school, on any trips we were and a lot more.
There was literally no day where we weren't together.

We were a good class, a smart one too.
But many teachers couldn't really handle us because we were a bit to energetic.
I still have the videos and photos where we threw the chairs around the room, where we did bench presses with the tables, where we danced walz while we were in math class, where we sang local music while being in english class and many more, we were a really cheerful class.
Everyone in school liked our class. Need help with some work? Ask us, we help. Need someone to talk to? Come to us, we are great listeners. Want to be known in the entire town? Join us, there wasn't a day where we weren't in the news. (Yeah that did happen, most of the time it was positive but also uh, a bit negative hehe)

Every day we would wait in front of our classroom and wait for our teacher to come, we greeted her and walked inside.
There we had a coffee maker, a teapot, a mini refrigerator, a candy bar and many more things we shouldn't have had, we also had a sandwich maker, that was cool.
In autumn we all celebrated mine and another classmates birthday, since we were the only two that were born on the same day in our class.
In winter I would bring hot chocolate while the others brought punches, cookies, mulled wine (but in secret only) and a waffle machine.
In spring we all ordered pizza every two weeks for the entire school, from the money we won at events or local festivals.
And in summer.. we would all eat ice cream and drink one or two drinks together..

On June we had our own private graduation party, not everyone came because they either had no time or didn't want to come.
But many of us still came and we partied all night, well at least me and my two male best friends.
We were the only ones that didn't fell asleep and continued to drink and smoke.
At some point we three listened to music that remembered us on our first day together and started to cry, we promised each other to not cry on out last day and smile, smile as if it was our last time breathing.

We were a great class, on our last trip together we went to Vienna.
We didn't sleep a day there, we all just hung out.
We went to parties there, karaoke, to the prater/amusement park, to the museum and restaurants.
On our way to Vienna we played cards like uno, black maiden or Durak and on our way back some played uno and the others were sleeping or watching movies.
I have filmed everything, whenever I see those videos or pictures I smile and cry..

After our last exam was over we all celebrated, we went to the tennis court next to our school and drank like crazy.
On the next day our school got a report from them saying that 13 crazy students were drinking and left their empty bottles there and a bicycle, don't know how but it happened.
We apologized and continued our party the next day.

Then it was time to say goodbye..
July 2022, our graduation.
After a year filled with happy memories, lots of fun and a new family we had to say goodbye.
At first we went to church for the formality, then we went to our school and got our results back.
We were the first and ever class in the past I don't know, 20+ years to have such a high score.
We all went to the front, got our results and thanked our teachers with presents.
Later there was a big party where everyone was invited, most of my classmates were sitting with their parents, except for those where the parents didn't come or left earlier, I was one of those that sat there.
We had food and lots of bier, everyone at my table was drinking, a lot.
We all smiled until our teacher came, she congratulated us and smiled and then we all broke out in tears.
Sadly, all good things must come to an end, me and my best friend left together since I was quite drunk you know bla bla bla.
We went to our teacher, said one last goodbye and hugged her with tears in our eyes.
Then we left the school ground with a smile and our memories.

A year has passed now and I hate my new class and my new school, so many gross people ew.
The reason why I'm writing this is because I found my old graduation shirt with all their names on and had to cry like a baby.
I really miss them, they all were my friends and my family..

I wished to be back with them, not only I wish that, they all do.
Me because my new class is a disgusting class, most of them bully me and judge for me being myself and confident with my body.
The others because of the same reason or because their work sucks.

I hope that maybe one of you, that will read this little story of mine, will also have such a loving class, or had such a loving class too.

I'm turning 18 now this year and I just wanted to say..
Mrs. Sedlbauer, Mrs. Seibel, Mr. Reichel and the other teachers I don't know how to write their names, Christop, Emmeran, Jeremias, Killian, Levi, Lil, Nicole, Amelie, Josi, Julian, Lukas and Eugen..
Thank you for this wonderful Time.

Lil, I know you'll read this because we both are still besties and go to the same school.
I hope that maybe I woke some memories in you too, let's remember everything we did together, for as long as we can.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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