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July 1918. Anastasia and her family were brutally murdered by the Bolsheviks. Anastasia waited around in the underworld until one day in 2007 somebody unexpected visited her.

"Y-you want me to what?"
"Sorry, Hades orders."

romanovs x pjohootoa

The Romanovs were a huge family, an imperial one too

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The Romanovs were a huge family, an imperial one too. They started to fall out of their peoples favour rather quickly and names the Czar "Nicholas the Bloody." Nicholas Alexandrovich, Alix Feodorovna, Grand Duchesses Anastasia, Maria, Tatiana and Olga Nikolaevna, and Grand Duke Alexei Nikolaevich were executed in July of 1918.


My eyes shot open and I looked around, blood everywhere and there was the man who helped shoot papa! I screamed in his face, I didn't mean to and then I was killed.

My soul completely left my body, I was surrounded with my family. "Masha..." I whispered. "Don't worry Nastas." She hugged me tight.

A figure appeared, dressed in all black and held a scythe. A very dangerously tall one. Alexei's soul backed away, the Bolsheviks took our bodies away. "Hello Romanovs, you have been murderer but I think that's pretty obvious. My name is Lexus, I am the grim reaper. I work with Thanatos. I bring your spirits to Charon, then I check if you're where you should be in case you lie and allow you to go. Follow me."

Our souls drifted after him, he walked not too fast so our staggering souls could catch up. "Wait. You have no coins.. hm." He took all our hands and we were transported to some place. I saw Big Ben so it must've been London. He calmly walked up to a boy, he was hooded. "Come along." He gestured. We followed.

"Heyy Terrence.." Terrence gave Lexus a 'really' expression. "What the fuck do you want?" Terrence asked. "So, you're... uhh. Wait, umm. How do I figure how you're related, your mothers genes are literally everywhere. Tsar Nicholas II was the cousin of King George V, who was the Queen's grandfather. George V's mother was Alexandra Princess of Wales, the sister of Nicholas' mother, Dagmar of Denmark, well whatever they are they're dead. Shot and bayonetted to death, they don't have coins. Can you like, lend them some?" Lexus asked.

"Oh my Actual Hades! They got fucking shot? Even the children? Jeeez.. how much are there again. You know what. Take a 10 drachma coin each. Say it's a gift from Terrence. Charon needs a raise. And you too Lexus." Terrence said. We all had coins.

"Thanks Terrence."

"Trust me, I'm the son of Kronos." He said and disappeared into the crowds.

"Wait. Terrence, son of—"

"Yes. He is Alice's brother." Lexus said. "Come." He held their arms and they were now in some really gloomy place with a really long river. We all had our drachmas.

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