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"forgot to ask you"

"Hmm?" He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow from his sunglasses.

"Why long sleeve with shorts?" I wondered.

"Why not?" He said faking a smile.

"Antoniooooo" we both turned to look at who it was.

I know him, isn't that Osman Dembele?

"Missed you captain, where have you been? Mhmmmmm?" He said smiling and looking at me, like I'm the answer to his questions.

"Angelina, psg's new reporter. She's coming with me to capture some memories- this is Dembele" he shook my hand tapping with his other hand on top of mine.

"How did you get along with that creature? Maaaan is such a headache" he made me laugh but Antoine raised his sunglasses to give me a look.

"Well he's not bad" I said smiling at Dembele.

"I get it, you're coming to the same hotel as us?" He asked.

"Hotel? Weren't we going for one day- ohh" it hit me. One day didn't mean going and getting back in one day, it meant sleeping one night there.

I looked at Antoine who nodded a yes. Surprisingly- I didn't expect him to answer a question that had been directed to me.

"Yeah she's " Antoine answered.

"Alright Antoinio, get your self us to that plane before they kick out asses." He regretted is quickly putting his hands on his mouth.

"Didn't mean to, you know-"

"No problem at all, feel free " I said smiling at him.

"Antoinoooo" Dembele winked Antoine.

"Antoine." Antoine corrected him.

"Antoinioooooo" Dembele started to sing it and walked away laughing leaving me with Griezmann.

"Osemane" Griezmann said and started walking to the plane.

"Why does he call you that" I laughed.

" He likes to play on my nerves."

"About that, where am I staying? You said one night I didn't think about any of the other events." I asked walking next to him.

"The management already know about us, so they'll put us in one room." He casually said.

"You're joking." I stood in my placed shocked.

He quickly put an arm around my waist and started to pull me to walk.

"Don't act like this you'll grow attention- ither than that, what part of pretending we are couple you didn't understand?" He said biting on his teeth.

" We're only fake dating if there's camera around!" I hissed" they won't follow me to my room!" I said removing the sunglasses simce we were on the plane's stairs now.

"Don't act like you don't know how many crazy fans will do anything just to know in which room I am, don't play it dump."

He was right, but also I wasn't dating him to stay at thr same room as him, to share one bed with him.

"I'll sleep at the couch." I said, since he slept on the couch yesterday - if he ever slept yesterday-

"I said one room, not a villa." He said greeting the flight attendant.

"Salut" he smiled at her.

"Bonjour" she greeted back with a smile.


"Angelina!" He mocked my tone.

"I'll sleep on the floor then" I offered.

"I won't be such a gentleman if I let you sleep in the floor, will I ?" He said making me have a hope that he'll sleep on the floor.

"So I'll have the bed?" I said jumping in my place like a child.

"Did you parents ever though you how to share?" He removed his sunglasses and sat on a random seat at the back and offered me to sit next to the window.

"That simple? No visa no passport no ID no nothing?" I changed the topic hopping I'll sleep alone on the bed, or we'll have a couch there.

"Vip. Again." He said frustrated.

The plane wa getting full by the players who I didn't know, al of them were greeting Griezmann and looking at me. I'm the only girl here besides the flight attendant.

That's creepy.

"I want to talk to my friend." He said putting my seatbelt on as he didn't.

He paused a little- " why a friend not family?" He asked.

"May I?" I asked again.

"We'll discuss this topic later" he said looking for a movie to watch on the screen ahead of him after the plane was about to take off.

" She'll see me on the new's Antoine, she'll think I don't want to talk to her. It's been a week." I begged. I really wanted to have contact with her.

"Angelina, put a movie on till we arrive. We'll discuss the topic later " he said putting his headphones on.

"How long the trip is?" I removed the headphones from one of his ears

"16 hours long, now do something useful."

A Reporter | Antoine Griezmann Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora