clandestine meetings and stolen stares...

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The season has only just begun and already, the Ton seems to be embroiled in scandal- the particularly elusive characters of the Viscount Bridgerton and the lady Sabina Basset being the centre of such an ordeal or, shall I say, impeding nuptials?

Yes, dear readers, you read that correctly. The ever-feuding nemeses Anthony Bridgerton and Sabina Basset will be wed before the season's end- and, with such an abrupt and shocking announcement, gossiping mamas have already begun to spin their own sordid tales of how such a union came to be, some claiming that the perplexing pair were spotted in a compromising position in Hyde Park (though, this author is disinclined to believe such, considering the weather has been habitually dreary as of late) and others claiming that they had put aside their long-standing quarrels and secretly eloped in the dead of night, now revealing their relationship to the world!

...this author, however, believes only that perhaps if the women of the Ton were allowed to possess inclinations for things other than embroidery and musicales, that they would not invent such audacious, baseless tales for amusement. However, I cannot deny that the matter of their engagement has piqued my interest, for it is a wonder to this humble author as to how the pair came to put aside their grievances (especially when one of their more public stand-offs resulted in the Viscount leaving a poetry reading with a wine-stained doublet and the Lady with a scowl adorning her face) to come together.

Regardless of how such came to be, I for one am willing to bet that such a match will be successful- after all, we all bore witness to the success of the previous season's Bridgerton-Basset union (even with all the chaos it caused). Hopefully this feuding pair should follow suit- as, for once, this author is hoping that this handsome couple will not end up becoming just another one of the Ton's illicit affairs.

     SABINA BASSET had done it yet again.

She'd used her mouth to get out of a situation she did not like, but for once, she would have to own up to it. It was a stupid slip up. She had been taken off guard and said the first name that came to mind. She remembers it very clearly still.

"And you are available, are you not?" The elderly Duke of Sutherland had said to her. It felt as if he had been holding it over her head. It was her second ball, and as she was rather old to still be a debutante, the Duke had thought he could snatch her up quickly. "The Viscount Bridgerton, My Lord." She had said to him then, a smug smile on her face. "Excuse me?" The Duke had questioned her after that, and the smile remained on her face. "The Viscount Bridgerton and I are betrothed, to be married before the season's end. What a surprise you've not heard!"

Sab was far from stupid. She knew she would be long gone before this man found out that she was in fact not betrothed to Anthony Bridgerton, as it was a known fact that Sabina Basset and Anthony Bridgerton had hated each other ever since early childhood.

And besides, he was one of the only lords in Mayfair whom she knew to be worthy of a Duke's daughter. A part of her (no matter how small or twisted it was) had always been jealous of Anthony. He had gotten to be Simon's friend. He had gotten to be close to Simon, to know his thoughts and feelings and struggles. He had gotten all that Sabina had wished for herself.

Sabina is no fool. This betrothal between them is not based off of much. Not love or affection or even fondness. Pure necessity, that is all it is. She does not actually plan to marry Anthony, by God. She needs him to keep the Duke of Sutherland away from her while she gets her affairs in order, and then she's off to Italy again, or maybe Spain or Portugal. Wherever her mind takes her. But Anthony seems rather insistent that they do get married. He needs a wife, one of good stock. No matter how much he dislikes Sabina, he reminds her that she is Hastings sister. And that counts for enough in his book.

     TO ANTHONY BRIDGERTON, this engagment had happened at the perfect time.

He is in need of a wife. As Hastings had so kindly reminded him last season, he is a firstborn Bridgerton. And a son, a lawful son, will not come from some opera singer whose name he cannot remember (of course, he does remember her name. He remembers everything. But it hurts far less to pretend.)

And as his mother had said, he cannot rely on his brothers. God, if any of them ever marry. Benedict seems far more interested in his paint, while Colin is always away traveling and Gregory, Anthony cannot even imagine Gregory with a wife.So once again, the duty falls to him. He's not doing this for himself, he cannot stand her. He is doing this for his family. For his duty.

And it is eating him from the inside out. Each time she smiles and pretends not to have, each time she looks at him with a little less hate. Each time she touches his shoulder, to make sure he is alright. But he cannot and he will not. He will push her away as many times as he has to. It will not happen again. He will love their children but that is all of her that he will love.

He can never bare to lose someone he loves so dearly again. It cannot happen and be will ensure it. But her smile and her joy and her pride and her arrogance. He loves all of her. But he cannot. He cannot, he cannot, he cannot. He reminds himself daily. So he keeps his distance, to make sure he does not fall too deep. God, she had thrown wine at him, for Christ's sake! How could he feel this way about a woman who had humilated him in front of... Miss Edwina Sharma.

The woman he had once hoped to marry. Anthony would never understand how he had landed himself in this engagement with Lady Sabina. The mistake had been made and the engagment now set, but they do not play the part of loving man and wife. They are simply two people, and this marriage is a means to achieve that. Each time he feels he is getting to know her, she builds up another wall.

He supposes it runs in the family.

portrayed by crystal clarke

portrayed by jonathan bailey

plot by aka my wife

DETICATED TO: _rhaenyras -blackfyres HIGHTARGARYEN drvoos danysclouds -UNSAMUEL- luvweasley roguesmoon girldirt titaniclogy munrxes montjoys

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