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Alright! So this page basically states which Wally's are... claimed, I think would be the word? And we have about 9 who are already claimed. Just say which one you guys want- THAT'S AVAILABLE- (I will play Watcher as a crush if needed—) Oh! And you guys can claim more than one Wally if you want (No more than 3 tho)

OG/Wally - NicoleThe_HybridWolf (Claimed by her)

Opposite - ThisIsOverlyTiring (Claimed by them)

Mafia - BarBaT0S001 (Claimed by her)

Rainbow Factory - Claimed by Aphmis/Me UwU

Lovesick - Rainbowsprinkles2009 (Claimed by them)

Watcher - 

Emo - 

Punk - 

High-school/Jock - 

Dessert - 

Knight - 

Prince - 

Corpse Puppet - 

Butcher - 

Cupid - 

Gardener - 

The Greatest Showman - 

Human - 

Anxious - 

Greyscale - 

Female/Wendy - NicoleThe_HybridWolf (Claimed by her)

Tired - 

Patchwork - 

Stage On/Singer - 

Actor - 

Beachtown - 

Coraline - 

So Below - 

Mob - 

Vaquero - 

Royalty - 

Apple Blood - 

King Piece/Chess - 

Photographer - 

Sweetheart - 

Father - 

Story Teller - 

Sightless - 

Wallace - 

Detective - 

Pirate - 

Siren - 

Mermaid - 

Evil/Dark -

Cookie Poison - 

Nightmare - 

Radioactive - 

Werewolf - Rayman4Smash1 (Claimed by her)

Universal Librarian - 

Reboot - 

Fighter (AU made by my friend Daughter_of_Prime) - 

Dreamkeeper - 

Spy/Agent -

Alice in Wonderland (Aphmis' AU) - 

Kitsune - Shadey_Rper (Claimed by them)

Collector - 

Fruit Friends/Orange Blossom- 

Police Officer - Shadey_Rper (Claimed by them)

Charm Guardian - 

Beetlejuice - 

Hamilton - 

Transformer (I'M SORRY- I HAD TO-) - 

So far, these are the only AUs I know, but if you guys want me to add more, tell me about the AU and I'll look into it ^^

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