My thoughts...

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'So, I finished watching Sonic Prime Season 2 earlier today, and the ending was so shocking that Nine betrayed Sonic and Shadow. Guess Shadow was right not to trust them. Well, only two of them. Tails Nine and Knuckles the Dread since he wants the blue shard for himself. But anyways, here's what I think would might happen as Season 3 would start.'

Shadow rushed down to Sonic and to where the prism was held.

"There's nothing left..." Shadow said, as his anger rose pretty fast. "All of our hard work... And you let Nine get away with all of the shards!"

Shadow turned to Sonic feeling pissed off. Sonic heard this as he fell to his knees and cried.

"I told you, Sonic! They aren't your real friends! Because of you... WE'LL NEVER GET HOME NOW!" Shadow said, in anger.

As Sonic was crying from how he failed to get his home back... he felt something was wrong. Sonic sobbed repeating the words "I wish I could go home!"

"Home doesn't exist anymore. Because of YOU!" Shadow's words repeated in Sonic's head.

"The only person I can trust... Is myself." Nine's words repeated in Sonic's head as well.

"I told you that fox couldn't be trusted." Renegade Knuckles' words said in Sonic's mind.

"It's because of your arrogance, that this resistance is going to lose!" Rebel Rouge's words followed after.

Sonic felt himself shaking in fear. Will he ever get home?

"You just had to go and shatter the prism without realizing it kept our reality together!" Tails' voice said.

"Why did I ever fall in love with a heartless jerk?!" Amy's voice said in anger.

"You just think it's all fun and games until you do something wrong!" Knuckles' voice said.

"You had to go and trust a traitor!" Rouge's voice said.

The voices of his friends kept saying different rants about how Sonic failed to restore their home and letting Nine get away with the shards.

"It's all your fault Sonic that we'll never get home!" All of his friends' voices said at once.

Sonic mentally snapped. His quills went dark and stood up, his hands curled up into fists, and he gritted his teeth. Sonic stood up and his eyes opened up. They were solid white. He growled thinking about Nine, and screamed as loud as he could. The entire shatterverse shook from when he yelled. Shadow was shocked from how Sonic's anger rose so fast and got worried. Could Nine's betrayal have been the straw that broke the camel's back?

"Sonic! Calm down! The prism energy in your body is becoming unstable!" Shadow said worriedly, trying to tell Sonic to calm down.

"So, WHAT?!" Sonic said, in anger. "How was I supposed to know that we missed a shard?! How was I supposed to know that Nine wasn't going to let us get our home back?! Everyone thinks that I always act too cocky! It's just to keep my friends and family safe!"

"Wait... there was a fifth shard?" Shadow said, confused.

"Yes. It was in the last shatterspace, known as the Grim. Nine said he wanted to rebuild a new world there with the shards' energy." Sonic said, calmly but still in his dark form. "Nine went through the same trauma the real Tails did. Except he didn't embrace having two tails, but he was too scared by being bullied so he created seven mechanical tails to be called Nine."

"Huh. Guess that explains why he wanted his own world. To not be bullied like that anymore." Shadow realized.

Sonic took the tech stabilizers off his gloves and sneakers, giving them to Shadow.

"Even though this is gonna destabilize the prism energy in my body... This was all my fault that this happened... But, I'm getting our home back! Hold off the Chaos Council for me by the time I get back with the shards!" Sonic said, as he flew off in anger.

"Sonic, wait!" Shadow said, worried.

Shadow grabbed the tech from the ground and followed after him. He couldn't let the prism energy in Sonic's body destabilize, or else he'd lose control completely. Sonic flew at top speed to teleport back to the void. Shadow followed after him as fast as he could. But Sonic was just too fast in his dark form. The prism energy began to build up, as Sonic teleported back to the void. Shadow knew what Sonic was gonna do to Nine. He was going to kill him. Shadow turned to the Chaos Council's mother ship and gave in with holding them off until Sonic got back. And maybe find a way of how he can go into the other shatterspaces like Sonic can. He put the tech on his gloves and rocket shoes, and dashed off to the council's mother ship.

(In the void...)

Sonic made it back. But he was still angry. He remembered that The Grim Shatterspace was a purple gateway. Even though he traveled to it once before with Nine before he betrayed him, nothing was going to stop him from restoring Green Hill. Even if it meant a distorted version of his friend had to die. Sonic flew toward the Grim gate and rushed in.

(In the Grim...)

Sonic flew out from the other end of the gateway, and landed on his feet.

"Nine! Where are you?!" Sonic called out, still feeling angry.

Sonic dashed off to wherever Nine was since he didn't have the stabilizers on his gloves and shoes.

(With Nine...)

He was back in his new lab in the Grim. He had the four shards he took from Sonic and Shadow with him, all assembled.

"Man, that quake was nuts..." Nine said, picking up the final shard piece. "Well... Now it's time to make my new home."

It was then a quake shook Nine a bit as he heard a raspy dark voice yell out his name.

"Who's there?!" Nine said, a bit worried.

It was then the person breaking in, dug all the way through and landed on his feet. It was Sonic... or so Nine thought.

"S-Sonic?!" Nine said, backing away in panic from how Sonic looked.

Sonic stood up and his solid white eyes opened in his dark appearance.

"You! Took my only chance of getting home!" Sonic said, growled in anger.

Nine scanned Sonic and saw the readings of his energy go massively negative.

"I've never seen this prism energy so negative like thi-" Nine said, as Sonic grabbed him by the throat.

"You took everything from me!" Sonic yelled in anger. "And now I'm gonna take everything away from you!"

Prism energy charged in Sonic's right hand as it curled up into a fist. Sonic yelled and punched Nine as hard as he could in anger.

'Story has been updated for how Sonic went dark. Kinda thought that would be better. It was a good idea. Anytime I rewatch the cliffhanger, it resets my mental state. But, I guess everything is fully updated. If I think of anything else, I will let you guys know.'

(Thanks for reading!)

(Publish date: 7/13/2023)

(Updated: 9/21/2023)

What I think might happen for Sonic Prime Season 3...Where stories live. Discover now