Two boys who have been Enemies but now turn into Lovers

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Once upon a time, there were two boys named Methas and Ren. They have known each other since they were young and have always been enemies. They were in the same class and would always fight over small things like who got to use the red pencil or who would play with the blue Lego blocks.

As they grew older, their animosity towards each other became more apparent. They would always compete in sports and academics, but they both excelled in different areas. Nani was good in math and science subjects, while Dew was excellent in arts and literature. However, this did not stop their rivalry from growing each day.

One summer, their school decided to conduct a camping trip for the students to learn about survival skills. Methas and Ren were partnered together, which made them both unhappy. They argued about everything, from who would set up the tent to who would gather firewood. They even argued about what food was suitable for their dinner.

As the night fell, they sat around the campfire, and the only sound that could be heard was the crackling of the burning wood. Methas noticed how beautiful the stars looked, and without even thinking, he said, "This looks like a beautiful painting that Ren would have made." Ren immediately relaxed at the unexpected compliment and replied, "You think so?"

For the first time ever, they started to talk about their common interests and discovered how much they had in common. To their surprise, they both loved watching romantic movies and enjoyed listening to pop music.

As the camping trip came to an end, they started to feel like they didn't want to leave each other already. They exchanged numbers and started texting each other during the summer break. Their conversations were no longer filled with arguments but rather filled with giggles, laughter, and mutual interests.

Methas and Ren hung out every chance they got, discovering so many new things about each other and solving age-old misconceptions about each other. Slowly, they started to realize that their feelings for each other were no longer those of animosity but love.

One evening, while watching the sunset near a lake, they held hands for the first time. They looked into each other's eyes and shared a beautiful moment, knowing that their love was deep and real.

In this way, the two boys who were once enemies turned into lovers because they put aside their differences and learned to love each other for who they are.

Two boys who have been Enemies but now turn into LoversWhere stories live. Discover now