chapter I

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- Have you lost your mind?! How can you consider dating a 32 year old man?! You are 19 years old, you are completely insane, and that man really brainwashed you!-

- But mom, he loves me, and I love him too. - Answered exalted and desperately the young.

- For how long have you known him?-

The silence was now placed on the room.

- Two weeks.- The little boy answered shyly. - But I swear I'm fine - he then added

- How come you can tell me you love him, and he loves you when you've only met two weeks ago?- His worried mother asked.

- Because when I'm with him, - The younger made a pause while he remembered his new lover. - It feels magical. It feels real. It feels like heaven, like a right thing.- The boy ended his speech with eyes full of love.

- Well,- His mother exhaled - I really can't prohibit you anything since you are already a grown-up. I really thing you lost your mind, but, if you really fell that he is a good man, then go ahead.- His mother took a brief pause before continuing her summon - But promise me something, - The boy now looked attentive to his mother - You are going to take a lot of care. I really don't know this man, and I'm trusting your gut to this. I want to give you this freedom to dating the boys you want, but be careful about which will be the one.-

The eyes of the little boy sparked. He could date his new love. He really loved him. He makes him feel very comfortable, and he is so cursi with him. Since the day they first met, the older man had flirted with the young in a very romantic way, and this made the younger feel butterflies in his stomach. This is his first boyfriend, where he feels safe, comfortable, loved, and he felt love for the man too. Some people may have thought, 'why didn't he dated the man in secret instead of telling his mom?!'. Well, this boy is a sweetheart, and he really can't do what he likes if he doesn't tell his mom about that. If he wouldn't have told her about going in a relationship with the older, he would have felt bad and cut the man, so he felt relieved when everything turned out "fine".

- Thank you so much mom, I love you a lot!- The boy said as he hugged his mom. - Thank you, thank you, thank you, - He kept saying this word as if it was the only one in his dictionary while his mom was giggling on how he kept repeating it.

- Well, start getting ready for dinner, ok?-

- Sure! - Said the boy with a lot pf excitement.

This was a good idea, right? Yeah, of course, there is nothing to fear. He said it, his new lover was kind, and really lovely. Everything is turning out perfect. Well, yeah, this is great and there is nothing bad in it.

The boy was so immersed in his thoughts he didn't heard his mom calling out for him.

- Seungmin! Seungmin, darling! The dinner is ready!- His mother shouted from the kitchen.

- I'm going mom!  - Seungmin responded with a shout - Just give me a minute! - He then added.

Now, he should inform his new boyfriend about this. He then grabbed his phone and pressed the call button. One, two, three, and still no answer. Four, five, and suddenly a voice was heard, a very strange and particular voice. - Yes? - this mature voice said on the phone. 'It must be a friend of minho or something.' Seungmin thought. This voice, in a very annoying way, continued - Who am I talking to, and what do you want? - The boy now felt a bit confused. 'Maybe I dialed the wrong number.' The boy now thought. - Uhm, I'm seungmin, I don't know who you are, but can I have minho on the phone? - The boy answered kindly - But who are you? His boyfriend? - the voice of what sound of a boy asked in a very disrespectful way - Uhm yes, I am his boyfriend - Seungmin answered shyly - Can I have minho on the phone please? - he asked this mysterious man. - Hahaha, darling, I think he won't answer you, I left him so tired. - This man answered the boy's question. - What? I don't understand. Did he play a sport or what? - the innocent boy asked - Well, someone calls it sport, others stress relief, and others, a distraction, or as everyone knows it, satisfaction. - The man answered. This left a very confused Seungmin. He couldn't comprehend what Minho was doing or did, but whatever it is, he wanted to talk to him. The boy now answered - Hey, I don't know what minho did, or whatever, but can I please get him on the phone? I have something very importa- the boy was interrupted by a second voice in the call. It sounded distant, a bit far away from the man who answered the call. - Jisung? - the voice of what seungmin thought was a man sounded. Jisung. I've never heard that name before. Seungmin thought. He didn't heard it clear, but then this voice got closer to the phone - What are you doing? - He heard it clearly. It was minho. - Oh, hi baby. Did you already showered yourself? - the other man, who seungmin assumes his name is Jisung, asked - Yes, you can take a shower now. - Minho answered and then continued - Hey, I have some clothes for you if you want and, is that my phone? - Minho asked - Ah, yes, your boyfriend called. By the way, I didn't know you had a boyfriend - Said Jisung - My boyfriend - murmured Minho - Oh, seungmin - said Minho with zero excitement - And what did he said? - Minho asked - He is on the line - Jisung said - Minho paralyzed. 'Did he heard everything? What did Jisung told him?' Minho thought.  - What did you tell him?! - Minho whispered - Don't worry, he is very innocent to understand - Jisung whispered back. Then, Minho made a sign to Jisung to hand his phone back. He took a very deep breath before answering. - Hello? Seungmin? - Minho talked to the other boy - Oh, hi Minho! So, uhm, I told my mother about us, and she accepted! We can be officially together! - said Seungmin with a lot of excitement and illusion - Oh, that great Seungmin. I'm glad - Minho said with no interest - Well, I gotta go, bye - Minho said - Oh, ok, see you, love you! Bye! - and with that, Seugmin hang out.

Seugmin felt relieved. He felt complete. He was sure this was what he wanted. What if what everyone else told me was true? Seungmin thought, and then he saw some flashbacks in his head.

Seugmin, are you completely sure of dating him?

Seungmin, darling, you know you're my best friend and I want the best for you but, do you really consider dating him is  right? I don't think he is the only option you have, I bet there are plenty of guys of our age who would like to date you.

Seungmin, have you gone insane?!

Hey, do you really want to date him? I heard that he once...

Seungmin, I don't think he has the best intentions for you.

Well, I dont know Seungmin. The other day, I saw him...

Have you lost your mind?!

Oh, no, seungmin, run as fast as you can!

Well, this is definitely gonna be a new and good adventure. There is nothing to worry about, right?


Well, I know I previously uploaded this chapter, but I thought it wasn't enough, so I added a bit more to this chapter. I'm really excited to be writing a story based on the song ' Dear John' by Taylor Swift. I personally love this song, and I'll try as hard to write this song. I'm thinking on doing more stories based on taylor swift songs, or others. Actually, Im working on another story, and this is based on one of my first favorite taylor swift songs. Also, I have one story that I abandoned that is Behind close doors, and ill try to upload as soon as I can, and Ill probably make some modifications, so stay tuned please. I'm also really excited to finish this story and upload the other, and I'm thinking that the stories will be not too short but not too long. So, wish me luck. Thank you, everyone, for reading.

Pd: Listen to Dear John (taylors version) while reading for a better experience! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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