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ox•y•mor•on | \ˌäk-sē-ˈmȯr-ˌän\

[n.] a combination of contradictory or incongruous terms appear in conjuction

(e.g. awfully good, bittersweet)

Night and day. Polar opposites yet are so similar.

Late night thoughts and daydreams. Separate yet so close.

Put them together and you get me.

I am a walking oxymoron. I can be happy and sad at the same time. I love and hate with a passion. Want to do something so bad yet am terrified when I get the opportunity. I daydream all day and think all night.

So I decided to write my thoughts down.


This is a collection of my thoughts, written in rants or poems, as well as interesting quotes or song lyrics. These are strictly my opinions. You may agree with them, you may disagree with them, or you may be neutral. I am very open to conversation but please no arguments. That being said, feel free to elaborate in the comments.

Welcome to the midnight thoughts of a daydreamer.

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