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Basic Knowledge:
England, Surrey 13th Dec Forensic scientist, phycologist, sociologist, thanatologist
Cleft lip
Babies breath (so i remembor)

Mother: Caron Evelyn Thorpe (maiden name: Elis), life status: missing
Father :Joshua Issac Thorpe, life status: missing
Only child

Anita Evelyn Thorpe:
cleans a pub in the weekdays
Friday and Saturday afternoons she works at a care Home
Garden is full of wildflowers, as it's unkempt, but she loves the long grass and the beauty of freedom that comes with the untouched flowers
Snuck Florence to the pub one night when closing, they shared a couple drinks and danced the night together
Tried to give Florence the most normal childhood achievable when in their situation

Joshua Issac Thorpe:
Works as the manager of the care home
Sometimes takes a shift at the pub for extra money
Works longer hours during the week than Amelia
Doesn't get to see Florence often due to long hours and being on Call 24/7, but makes sure she knows that she's loved dearly
As the main money supplier he felt obligated to prioritise his wife and daughter over himself, Making sure they were fed before him, though Amelia also did the same — despite having less pay


grew up fairly poor, but she was her parents priority
Despite her parents efforts to mask their poverty, she knew of their financial situation — and decided to study her hardest in hopes to be able to get a high paying job
Is able to go up a year and start college early
Age of 16 she's on her second year of college
She finished college and moved into looking at universities, as her parents have been saving up so she could go
She becomes recognised by a few in the science community, but only in her local area and areas surrounding her
She decides to leave it a couple months before properly enrolling, as whilst they've saved money up they still don't have enough
Florence goes about trying to get a job to help fund her enrolment into college, of which she finds that is hard in her area
She's rejected from many jobs
Whilst making her way home from a local pharmacy that her job application was reflected at, she was ushered into an alley, where she's offered a place in talon—they're looking for a phycologist for investigation and their own members
Florence has heard of talon before, and rejects the offer
She's given a phone number for future contact, but soon forgets of the interaction, but cannot shake the feeling of regardless

Years pass and she's now a recognisable science figure in many countries, but she hasn't fully made it yet
She works in a Uni and still lives with her parents, to ensure they're all good
Primarily, she is recognised by Overwatch, and often helps them when she's requested
She meets Ana — girlie love, but no official stamp is put on their relationship
Gets out to the public that she's affiliated with overwatch
She comes home to find her parents gone, without packing clothes, their phones, or any note left
UH OH 😱😱😱 parents go missing, and After a couple of days are presumed dead
She becomes extremely paranoid, and hasn't been turning up to her lectures
Some time after this, the news of blackwatch, damaging her rep and she eventually gets fired and due to in absence and her association
She struggles to find her feet again, and ends up half starved and on the verge of eviction
At some point, she's kidnapped, and asked to join talon for a second time — and due to her desperation, she accepts and is officially in Talon
Due to her disappearance, she's also speculated to be dead — just as her parents were, but some theorised that overwatch/blackwatch had something to do with it

Present day:
Is a part of talon still — and would find it extremely hard to leave due to having nowhere to go and no one to go to
Her involvement in talon is still unknown and she's still presumed dead/missing — very few know of her whereabouts
Was distraught for a good couple of years when she heard of Ana's death, but has grown some optimism after learning of her still being alive and well
I'll fill this in laterrrr

Interaction ideas:

Mercy: you know Doctor... it's never too late to leave it all behind yourself and join us
Thorpe: you just know talon wouldn't allow that...

Moira: im looking forward to observing you in a combat situation, Thorpe.
Thorpe: i prefer not get my hands dirty, Dr. O'Deorain. Im sure you know that.
Moira: you'll get used to it

Thorpe: it's good to see you alive, Captain
Ana: and it's good to see you aren't missing
Thorpe: *chuckle* well, yes

Sigma: do you know when our next appointment is, Dr. Thorpe?
Thorpe: I'd assume sometime next week. Why's that? Is there a problem? Are you in need of an urgent check up?
Sigma: oh no no no! I'm just looking forward to our chats!

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