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"Wretched girl, your thirst can not be cured by champagne"

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"Wretched girl, your thirst can not be cured by champagne"

Miyako turns around a sees Aqua,Ruby, and Y/n sitting menacingly on the table

"before you, sits a devined messager, thy sins can no longer be overlooked!"  Aqua says with his arms crossed

"D-deveined messager? This can't be real! Aqua just spoke to me! There's no way!" Miyako says, sweating bullets

"In front of you are mere babies capable of speech, believe!" Aqua replies, trying to look as serious as possible

Miyako starts trying to convince herself that this is just a reality TV show

"Now,now Ruby, it's dangerous on the table" Miyako reaches for Ruby but Ruby smacks her hand away

Ruby starts going on a long monologue, and at a certain point you stopped listening

Soon after, Miyako starts to clean the house

Y/n sighs "man, I didn't even get to do my speech as Susanoo!"

Aqua nods and turns to Ruby "that was quite a convincing act you put on, were you in theater in your past life?"

Ruby shakes her head "nope, this was a first for me"

"This was your first? You never put on any plays at school before?"

"At home, it was a uncommon thing to do" Ruby replies to Aqua

"At home, it was a uncommon thing to do" Ruby replies to Aqua

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"My pay this month is two hundred thousand yen...." Ai said, looking very disappointed

"Miyako, this agency is so stingy with its pay" Ai says, looking over at Miyako

Y/n was sitting on the ground, playing with a tiny soccer ball

Ai starts to talk about how she wants her children to have good life

Soon, Ai grabs her bag and leaves for her lessons

"Hey, don't idols usually make like one million yen per month?" Ruby says as she turns to Aqua

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