That Time Louis Tattooed His Ass

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This one's for you OcaneMcc ♥️

Louis knew too well that his ideas got worse with the amount of alcohol he consumed. He knew better than to act on his drunken notions without consulting his other half but for some reason, this night in particular, he thought that he had a cool and awesome idea he didn't have to discuss with Harry beforehand.

He was having a guy's night out. It had been a while since he hung out with his friends. Usually, Harry would join them but he had a nasty headache.

Louis had almost canceled the night out because Harry was ill and he had to take care of him.
"Honestly, Lou. I love you and it's really sweet how you always wanna nurture me back to health whenever I come down with something but it's just a headache. I'll sleep it off." Harry said.

"Are you sure?" Louis questioned.

"Absolutely. Go out. Meet your friends. You've been looking forward to this. We can spend one night apart." Harry smiled.

"When we go on a hiatus and you start your solo career we'll have to spend a lot of time apart." Louis pouted.

"When we start our solo careers, darling. I know but that's not yet. You can spend one night with the guys." Harry said. He loved Louus more than anything but his concern for him would only keep him awake and Harry needed to sleep desperately.

"We'll see about that. Yeah, okay. I do wanna see me friends. Call if you need anything. I won't be too late." Louis said and kissed Harry goodbye.

Harry let out a relieved sigh when the bedroom got quiet and closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Louis took a cab to the club they had picked beforehand. Oli, Stan, Calvin, and Luke were already waiting for him inside. They headed to the VIP section.
"Where's H?" Oli asked.

"He has a headache." Louis informed them.

"Too bad." Calvin said.

"Yeah, so how have you been? Tell me the news." Louis smiled and ordered a round of beers.

They had a lot of catching up to do. One beer turned into six beers and then decided that they needed tequila shots.

Louis had been so busy touring with One Direction, dealing with Zayn's departure and just the regular stuff that he hadn't had a night out in ages and definitely not had more than a few beers occasionally. As the night proceeded he got absolutely smashed.

He had texted Harry a couple of times during the evening without getting a response and now he was worried. He stepped outside for a smoke and called him. He was relieved when Harry answered.
"Hi baby, did I wake you?" He slurred.

"It's okay. I'm much better. The headache is gone. I just needed to catch up on some sleep. Are you having fun?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, but I'm fucking hammered." Louis muttered.

He walked around the corner and let out an exciting screech.
"Ouch! Mind my head." Harry whined.

"Sorry, love. I'll be home in a while. I'll kiss it all better. Gotta go. Love you." Louis slurred.

"Wait, why did you..." Harry asked but he hung up and managed to call Oli instead.

"Oli, mate! I have an awesome idea! Meet me in the tattoo shop around the corner." He said.

That time Louis tattooed his assWhere stories live. Discover now