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"We used to be friends. Whether she was my girlfriend or not, you were not supposed to hook up with her!" Davis said to him
"I met a girl at a club and we hooked up. If it wasn't me, it was going to be somebody else. I didn't know she was your girlfriend until weeks after. You said it yourself. We were friends. Why wouldn't you believe me? I don't get it. It is starting to feel like you hated me from the very beginning and you were just waiting for me to mess up! Besides, you have dated three other girls fayer Keisha. Why are you still stuck on her?" He asked him
"I am not stuck on her. Just get into the car and let's go!" Davis said as he saw Kayla leave the school compound

Andy got in and they drove away. When they got to Daniel's place, they met Kayla and Aurora in Kayla's car

"Why didn't you go in?" Davis asked her
"I don't know. Aurora asked to wait for you" she said to him

Davis rolled his eyes and he walked to the door. He rang the doorbell and he opened the door, not waiting for somebody to answer it. He got in and he realized that Daniel's parents were not home. He was in the living room when Daniel came down

"Davis, what are you doing here?" Daniel asked him
"Apparently, Kayla and her friends showed up at our school to look for you and they couldn't find you so they decided to drag me along to look for you and this was the first place we decided to check" Davis said to him
"I am sorry that I disappeared like that. I just needed time and space. You guys can hang out here till whenever though. I would set up the game and order something to eat" Daniel said to him
"Order? Kayla and I can cook up something" Aurora said to him
"Really?" He said with a smile on his face
"Yeah, we can. Kayla wouldn't mind"

Kayla rolled her eyes and she got up. She walked out and Davis grabbed her hand

"We have to talk!" Davis said to her
"Let me go!" She said to him
"I would show Aurora where the stuffs are and Andy can help out with the cooking" Daniel said as he took Aurora's hand and headed to the kitchen

Kayla groaned and she turned to him

"Why are you so mad at me?" He asked her
"You left, yesterday! You were supposed to stay the night over and you left because your brother showed up"
"What was I supposed to do, Kayla?"
"I don't know, try to talk to me? Try to stay with me? What the hell?" She said to me
"He is my brother. Kayla, I love you and you know this but he is my brother. I have to be there for him and you know this. If your relationship with Diana wasn't messed up, you work have done the same for her and I know this so stop hating me for doing the same thing for my brother"
"Yet Ethan had to be the one to pick him up from the bar? Davis! The point of looking out for someone is looking out for the person!" Kayla said to him
"I know and I am sorry. What can I do to make up?" He said to her
"You can't make up. I just want to do this and get through this day" she said to him
"I want a hug" he said to her

She sighed and she opened up her arms. He pulled her in and he hugged her. He kissed her on her forehead and she felt the anger melt away

"I would try to make it up no matter what" he said to her

She leaned in and rested on his shoulder. He broke off the hug and she headed to the kitchen, letting Andy and Daniel leave

"You and Davis okay?" Aurora asked her
"We would be, I hope" she said to her
"I heard a better part of that conversation because I was in the hallway while the rest stood here. I think you should let him make up. Besides, it is his brother. His brother is the family he has here and looking out for him is Davis'responsibility. I know it would make you feel like you're second place but you're not. He loved you and he would do anything for you. I don't need to be filled in on all the details to know that" Aurora said to her
"Let's hope you're right" Kayla said to her

They finished up with the meal and dished it out. Kayla headed up to Daniel's room for a nap. She slept off there, listening to their conversation. It was almost evening when someone touched her. She opened her eyes and she looked at him

"Babe, you skipped lunch. Are you okay?" He asked her

She looked at him and rested on his shoulder

"Uhm, Kayla, are you okay?" He asked her
"I am just tired. I need to sleep" she said to him
"I know and that is why I came to get you. We need to head home. It is looking like it is going to rain" he said to her.
"I don't want to walk" she said to him, still sleepy.
"I would just let Daniel have my car for the night then. We would go home in yours" he said to her as he carried her

He headed down the stairs with her in his arms and he carefully dropped her in the car. He got her things and he took her home. He wasn't sure if he was going to school the next day so he decided to head home and pack a couple of things for him to stay over at Kayla's house. When he was done packing, he headed up to his brother's room.

Kayla's Diaries (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now