Meeting the Stepdad

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I was sitting on the porch, saying goodbye to the house. A silver jeep rolled up to our driveway with a U-Hal on the back of it. It must be the feancè I've been hearing about since my mom got back from her business trip to California. His name is Allen. I walked down the porch steps to go greet him as he came out of the jeep. "Hello, you must be Britney?" He held out his hand for me to shake. "Yes, and you must be Allen?" I shook his hand. "Yes i am, now is your mother ready?" He looked at the house. "Uh, let me go check quick." I ran to her room. She was shoving our cloths in boxes and suitcases. "Mom, allen's here!" She jumped up and flew out of the room. She ran into Allen's arms, and gave each other a big hug. It was like she was a high schooler, giving her boy friend a dramatic hug. Except she's 43, she's getting old and she needed a new man in her life. He's just 2 yrs. older then her. "Britney go grab all your things and me and Allen will grab all my things." I nodded back "yes ma'am." I groaned. We all walked in side the house, and got done packing the boxes and suitcases in the U-Hal, and the back seats of the jeep. The jeep hade a way back seat and then one back seat in front of the passenger and drivers seat. "So, Allen. Have any kids? How many? What's their names? How old are they?" He looked at me like I was a crazy person. Then answered my questions. "Yes, I have kids. I have 5 boys. There names are Luke, Taylor, Matthew, Alex, and Andrew. Luke is 14, Taylor is 15, Matthew is 16, Alex is 17, and Andrew is 18" I looked at him with the face he made at me. "Wow, 5 kids?!" He nodded. I grabbed my blanket, pillow, iPhone, and ear buds for the trip to California. He started the car and drove out of the driveway. I looked back at the house one last time. A tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away and put in my ear buds and played some music and texted my friends telling them we left the house already. I sat there thinking about if those 5 boys will except me in the family, or if they would be ugly or hot, and if they would be nice to me since I'm the only girl in the house besides my mom. My eyes slowly closed, and I fell asleep.


The jeep hit a bump that woke me up, I tried to go back to sleep but it was no use. I looked up and we were pulling up to a huge house. "Whoa!" My mom looked at me and smiled. "Your up finally, this is Allen's house. The boys are in the house, he's just going to go get them so the can help us unload the U-Hal." I rubbed my eyes and brushed out my hair with my fingers. Allen came out of the house with a line of boys. And WOW they were smokin' hot! On all 5 of them you could see there muscles through their shirt. The shorter one must be Luke, the slightly taller one must be Taylor, the the other one that is taller then the other one must be Matthew, then the other taller ones must be Alex and Andrew. I hopped out of the jeep and grabbed my stuff from the back. I felt eyes looking at me, I looked back and saw all of them looking at me. I just pushed that aside and walked by them grabbing some boxes. "Ok, Luke, Taylor, and Matthew. Since Britney has more stuff then her mother, you guys help her get he things upstairs to her new room." They nodded, and grabbed some boxes and I grabbed my suitcase. I let them lead the way to the room. We walked up the steps and I was struggling with the blanket, for one, it was hot outside. and for two, it was a big blanket. But I managed to get up the steps ok. "Do u mind if we take our shirts off? It's getting to hot outside." I didn't care, I wanted to see some abs. "No, not at all. It's your house, do what you want. But in the morning I don't want to see any naked butts. at least leave your boxers on, ok?" I think I sorta sounded bossy, but what ever. "Bossy much?" One of them said laughing. "Luke don't be so rude!" One of the others said. "Awe, poor Matty. Your being nice to a girl for a change!" Matthew rolled his eyes at Luke. "Alex I need you to hold this so I can take my shirt off." Alex held the few things Matthew carried. Then Matthew put his shirt on his shoulder, then grabbed the stuff back. "Ok, this way." Matthew pointed to a purple door. "Why is the door purple?" They looked at each other. "Your mom said your favorite color was purple, so we painted your room and your door purple." Alex said. I "awe, thank you guy." That was awkward, but what ever. They just smiled. "You're welcome." Luke said. I just smiled back. Matthew opened the door since he was in front of all of us, he let me in first. The room was so purple I almost screamed! and it was a huge room too, with a walk in closet and my own BIG bathroom! The boys left me alone in my new room, it was quiet. So I got to unpacking my stuff I brought with.

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