
8 2 4

The 5 minutes were up Jimbo, Ron, Louis and jemar got teleported next to the portal that was on, the only thing that went through there mind is someone already went to the portal

"Who do you think went through the portal already?" Louis said a bit scared

Everyone was quite until Ron got near and put his hand
"There is chance that everyone is there but they are just waiting for us?" Ron said looking back and looking back at the portal

He went in Louis follow to, jemar and Jimbo where just standing there for seconds before both them entered the portal



Life left:1

Got sent to the real world



Life left:1

Got send to the real world



Life left:1

Got sent to the real world



Life left:2

Got sent to the real world

With Jayden

He was running meanwhile hold hikomo before falling down to ground he pass out, hikomo was shaking him up

"Jay- Jayden wake up its not sleep time... Jayden?" Hikomo cried

"What happens?"

"Hello Jayden"


"No someone else... Wake up there is time don't fuck this up he is trap you can't get him back"

"What do you mean"

"Kobe is trap. . . Run and go to the portal leave the kid there"

"I am not leaving with Kobe turning back and I am not leaving the hikomo here"

"As you say"

Jayden stad up all scared until he heard hikomo cries

"HIKOMO!?" Jayden yelled

"HELP" Hikomo cries even more louder

Jayden went running where the cries came when he did

Jayden yelled

Kobe was holding hikomo but next to a river about to drop him

"Or what? Hunter and jerick already lost a life Haha barkev somehow is alive" 2.o said dropping hikomo in the water

"HIKOMO. . . UP" Jayden said

Before one his snake got out water got hikom and drag to hard land. Jayden run to get hikomo when he did he look at 2.o that was now laughing Jayden didn't think but run

With barkev

"God where I am now. Should I just go back" barkev said to himself

He couldn't run at cuz of his leg it was in pain, The time took until he made it back to the house he went down to see the portal open he went over but stop for second something wasn't right at all nothing was right for him he wait few seconds before someone has fallen down from the ceiling

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