Chapter 6

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𝕴𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖔𝖐 𝖒𝖊 a day to figure it out. Nott had come down after Greyback and I was certain that I had passed out afterwards. 

Lucius was the one who came down with a tray of food for me later. He was rather kind about it, even going as far as to spoon feed me. He also did a few charms that helped lessen the pain. 

He still tried apologizing, which I pushed away. It wasn't his fault after all. It was the sort of equivalent to someone doing something terrible under the Imperius Curse. It wasn't something they could control. And I didn't blame him for it. 

"I can try getting you new clothes." He murmured, putting the dishes on the tray. A house elf appeared immediately, took the tray, and disappeared. 

That was when the idea flashed into my head. I pushed the idea to the side though, focusing on Lucius. 

"No. Don't bother. I don't want them thinking you've got a soft spot for me." 

"Don't try and protect me." He snapped. He hated this idea of me protecting him, especially when he also had his head wrapped around the idea that he didn't deserve an inch of kindness from me. I swear he was worse than Severus. 

"You have a family to protect through yourself, Luc." I had picked up Severus' nickname for him much easier than either of us had expected. 

He softened a little, letting out a sigh. "Fine." He paused and then looked at me, "I'm not going to touch you again. But, do me a favor. Tell everyone I raped you." 

"Excuse me?" I asked, giving him a look. 

Lucius shrugged, but didn't look at me, "You want me to take care of my family? You want my family safe? Than tell everyone gets to know what I did." 

"I refuse." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "I will not-" 

Lucius shoved me against the wall, hissing under his breath. "Do this one thing for me Kane. Please." 

He looked so sincere and I huffed, "Fine." 

He let go of me, going and leaving the door. He didn't turn around as he said, "I'll make sure Severus is accounted for when you escape." And then he left completely. 

That left me a little uncomfortable. How did he know that I planned to escape? And how was he so sure that I could escape? 

No. Lucius was a smart man. He had let the house elf come down, reminding me that I had a house elf that could come and get me. 

Kreacher was not the best, but he was under my orders. And as long as he was under my orders, I could get him to do whatever I needed. And in this case, it would be getting me out of here. 

I saw that the same thing would happen to Harry and the others. Eventually ending up in the same place I was now. But using Dobby instead. . . and Dobby would die. 

I flinched, sliding down to the floor, wrapping my arms around my body. Dobby was going to be the one death that I couldn't do anything to prevent. Not really. I supposed I could  make some sort of body armor for him, give it to him ahead of time. But then I didn't know if he would show up to save them or not, if he knew he would die. 

I thought he might anyways. His devotion to Harry was something I thought he might die for. But I was to afraid to screw up that future. They had to get out of the Malfoy Manor. It was a necessity. 

But could I really sacrifice Dobby for that? I was going to try my hardest for Dad and Tonks and Severus. Dobby deserved that too. I was going to need another plan. 

I focused on now. I could call Kreacher, that part would be easy. It was a direct order, there was no way for him to refuse it. 

The problem was doing it now. I needed it to be staged so that there was uncertainties to how I would escape. 

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