Thanks for the save

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A/N: Anything will bold, italics, and underlines is an A/N. 

Literally screeching at the show it feeds my sonadow brainrot sm!!

This was more of writing practice than anything (and I felt bad for not giving yall stuff for a long time)


By the time I registered the fact that missiles were headed toward me, it was too late. I closed my eyes, waiting for the explosion that would surely launch me far away from my current position.

But it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw Shadow carrying me. I heard him say the words "Probably gonna regret that," over my shoulder. 

"Aw, I heart you too, Shadow," I replied.

While it was really just a teasing joke thrown his way, there was a bit more... depth to the phrase too. 

We got back to the fight.



I was fighting the "child-like" member of the Chaos Council when my guard fell and he grabbed me. I felt the robot's crushing grip more and more each second. I couldn't move. He pointed something I can only think to be a missile launcher at my face, preparing to shoot me dead. 

In that instant, I heard Sonic call out to me. I turned my head and saw him running toward the robot and me. In a split second, he was here, attacking the robot. I fell to the floor.

I wanted to get up and help, but I was incredibly tired. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Sonic's battle with the two Chaos Council members. He was moving much faster than he normally does, I noted.


I sorta forgot how the episode ended or what happened after these scenes, so forgive me-- Just think of this as an alternate ending. (although it wouldve been that anyway)

3rd-person POV

After Nine left Sonic by himself, Shadow walked over to provide some comfort. After all, depression gets in the way of efficiency, so he wanted to do away with that problem. At least, that's what he told himself. He knew deep down that he didn't like seeing Sonic sad. The sight of Sonic being hurt sent pangs piercing through his heart, and he didn't know why. But he knew the cause of it. 

Sonic's sadness.


He wasn't good at comforting others. Hell, he usually made them feel worse

So he decided to distract Sonic from Nine's betrayal.

"...Thanks for saving me earlier." Shadow noticed the rotation of Sonic's ears in his direction.

"You're... thanking me...?" 

Shadow understood the confusion, at least partially. He wasn't one to thank others. At most, he would dismiss it, or reply with anger instead. Still, it sort of hurt to think that Sonic wasn't capable of thinking Shadow had the decency to thank people once in a while.

"What else would 'Thanks for saving me earlier' mean?" 

Sonic chuckled, with a bit of nervousness lining his reply. "N-Nothing, it's just unlike you, Shadow."

"I still have the decency to appreciate actions too, you know." 

"Since when did I say you couldn't?" 

Shadow was slightly taken aback by Sonic's response, but managed to regain his composure enough to give a response of his own.

"Hm. You didn't." 

"Exactly, Shads." Sonic teased. "Stop assuming things about me and how I feel about you."

"Shads? Since when have I ever been called Shads?"

"Since now, obviously, you goofball!" Sonic stuck his tongue out easily. 

Shadow chuckled, "Of course."

A moment of uninterrupted silence unfolded, as the two hedgehogs sat together. Until it was then interrupted.

Sonic looked at Shadow. "Since we're on the topic of thanking people..."

Shadow's ears perked up just a bit.

"Thanks for the save earlier, when the missiles were headed for me."

"Well, I couldn't just let you die, now could I?"

Sonic laughed a bit at that. Shadow noted how joyful his laugh sounded, full of happiness and with a charming ring to it. 

"Well, yeah, but you could've also continued fighting and finished off Dr. Deep. I probably would've survived anyway." Sonic added under his breath, "Although maybe not in fighting condition..."

Another moment of silence hung between them.

"I don't like it when you're hurt."

Sonic looked mildly surprised at Shadow's statement, but he managed to reply with a tease anyway.

"Ah, so do our fights not count?" 

Shadow smirked back.

"I should've said 'I don't like it when someone that isn't me hurts you.' " 

Sonic laughed again, this time much more than before. Shadow let out a few laughs of his own.

"I like spending time with you, Shadow."

"Me too, Sonic."


Aight so if i remember correctly, Shadow actually isn't fighting Dr Deep when he saves Sonic, he's hiding from the Chaos Council (they think he died). But this is a fanfiction so I do whatever I want. Hell, I could've made Obama appear out of nowhere and recite the vaporeon copypasta (although I'd never live it down if I wrote that)

Thanks for the save - Sonadow Prime (ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now