*ACT* 2

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Late in the afternoon, Frisk could be found in a yellow meadow weeding the grass from the fields with her bare hands.
She had been pouring her frustration on innocent, beautiful buttercups, when she stopped in her tracks and looked at the poor flowers lying by their stems. Frisk began to cry; she possessed the expression of someone who was trampling over little weak creatures to fix her own emotional problems… most likely because that was what she literally was. Frisk had seen herself in a puddle crying at her.

Frisk: what…even… am I...?

Before she could continue wallowing in her own misery, her tantrum was cut short by a familiar voice coming from behind her.

Chara: A true megalomaniac...
Frisk: what the---?

Frisk rapidly turned around to see the same young girl in a dark green and yellow turtleneck sweater with a smug expression on her face.
She held her smile wide across her face with her right index finger. And circled her other eye with her left hand’s fingers.

Chara: well… how was my impression of that dopey middle-aged monster

Of course, she was referring to sans.
On any regular day, Frisk would tell Chara off for making fun of sans. But today, she found herself subconsciously still angry at him.

Chara: so, what? Are you not gonna give me a hug or something?
Frisk: I hate you!!!
Chara: hate is a strong word, yknow.
Frisk: what are you doing here?
Chara: c’mon, can’t a girl come visit her soulmate after what, like SIX years?
Frisk: …
Chara: been a while, hasn’t it?
Frisk: I’d prefer we’d keep it that way.
Chara: don’t be so mean, frisk. If you’re worried that I’m planning something, you can rest assured that I’m over the whole…yknow “Genocidal Maniac” thing.

Frisk skeptically looked at Chara, they were now both standing in an empty black room that was the only intermediary room, in which the two could talk to each other. A room that Chara could force frisk into whenever she wanted to talk to her or jus bug her conscience every now and then. But for the past six years, C

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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