Dakari 1.2

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I awoke in a darkened room. Where was I? Recollection flashed across my face. Why hadn't they killed me? I got up, my legs shaking. The floor was as cold as this Empire's heart. I walked to the door and tried the knob. Locked, of course. I banged wildly against it for a while, but no one came. Slumping against the door, I fell into a tortured sleep.

Some time later - it was impossible to tell due to no natural light - I was awoken by a man in a purple uniform. "I have been told to escort you to the Warden's office. Follow me."

I opened my mouth "Wh-" My head was jerked back by his slap.

"Do not presume you can speak, savage scum."

I lowered my head in fury, fists clenched. This piece of shit. Why did they all call me a "savage"? Swallowing my anger I followed him out of the cell, down numerous corridors until we arrived at a nondescript door. The guard knocked once, and a muffled voice said "enter." The guard opened the door and pushed me in.

The room could only be described as sparse ; nothing but three chairs and a desk. In one of the chairs sat a tall man in a bright yellow uniform. I could only guess that he was the Warden. "You may leave us, Henry."

The guard's eyes widened. "But sir, this uncultivated wretch might -"

"I said you may leave us." The Warden looked sternly at him.

"At once sir." The guard saluted and left.

The warden looked me over, not speaking for several minutes. I sat there staring back at him. I wouldn't be the first to break this silence. Eventually he sighed and muttered to himself. "A child. What has this world come to. What's your name?"

I did not bother to reply. These people would not get anything out of me for what they had done. He shook his head sadly.

"My chief interrogation officer says you're a stubborn thing. I have to say it looks like that. My name's Conrad. Do you know where you are?"

I shook my head imperceptibly.

"You're at the maximum security prison of sector 41. Do you know why?"

I did not react.

"Of course you do. You killed an important mage at the immigration processing unit , although I cannot see how. Can't you tell us why? The crime is punishable by death."

"Your people attacked my village, kidnapped and killed my friends and family. You destroyed my home. Why the fuck should I tell you?" I was almost shouting.

"Do not use such language with me, young man. I have heard the things they do down south, and although I do not agree with them that is not my purpose here. Regardless, that information is no longer needed as of this morning." A smile twitched across his features. "I guess you're safe from further interrogation, at least for a little while. I've been ordered to hand you over to the KMF"

My mind swum. This guy didn't call me savage. Maybe he was a bit better than the others.. "What the f... What is KMF?"

He grinned. "You'll find out soon."

As if on cue, the door opened and a man entered. He was garbed in black robes. "Is this the boy, Warden?"

The warden nodded.

"Good. I'll take it from here." I felt a prick in my neck, before the world started fading. The warden sounded far away as he said "Goodbye young man, it was nice speaking with you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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