🍦🌟Ice cream sandwich🌟🍦

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- Requested by a friend since they ship Hoshi X Norman ( Shout out to my queen Jin 😾 )

- Hoshi and Norman are working in the Ice cream parlor, Hoshi talking with a few angry parents, Norman trying to get over it. The parents were angry since Norman was showing them "Attitude" while purchasing. Norman tried to calm them but they seemed pretty fed up. Eventually Hoshi went to resolve things which made things better but the parents weren't completely satisfied. -

Father - "We really should be getting our orders for free since your idiot co-worker can't handle himself."

Norman - "IDIOT CO-WORKER!?"

Hoshi - "Everyone please relax! It's no one's fault.. Norman may have given you a small amount of aggression but it's not worth arguing for a free ice cream! It's ice cream, it's really not worth arguing over.."

Mother - "He does have a point.. your a grown adult arguing like a baby hun.."

- The father sighs, looking at Hoshi apologetically. He pays Norman at the register, giving him the biggest death stare. Hoshi offers to make the kids balloon animals as an apology, which ended up working out well. He waves goodbye to them, smiling. -

Hoshi - "Wow.. they were really fed up.. over ice cream too.. at least I got them out, right Norman?"

- Hoshi looks to Norman, who looks extremely embarrassed. He hides his face with his arms, and he sounds like somethings bothering him. -

Norman - "Yeah.. can't understand how you stay so calm during all of this.. it's so annoying!"

Hoshi - "Hm? I don't let it get to me! I don't let them hurt my feelings since I know once they do I'll become easy to manipulate.. it hurts to remember how badly I was treated.. but.. everyone's changed for the better now!.."

- Hoshi looks down, sitting beside Norman. Hoshi looks a bit ashamed, which surprises Norman. -

Norman - "That really effected you, didn't it?"

Hoshi - "Yeah.. it was for the better though.. I can't stay gullible right? Something had to teach me about manipulation and how terrible the world can be.. I don't act like the world is a pain in the ass though! I like to make the best out of it by making friends and making everyone happy!"

Norman - "Hm. I guess we have our similarities.. I used to be gullible as well.. my friends used to use me for money and once they tricked me for content.. Then I met you.. you really helped me learn the difference between real and fake friends Hoshi.. without you I would have been the victim of YouTube shorts content.."

Hoshi - "Wow.. I've never sounded so important before! You.. can I hug you Norman..? You really look like you need it.."

Norman - "Yes. Please.."

- Hoshi wraps his arms around Norman, smiling. Norman calms down, hugging Hoshi tightly. Hoshi could tell he needed it. He was always so secretive when they first met now they're like best friends. He's happy he's coming out of his shell and opening up about his problems.. -

Hoshi - "I'm.. really proud of you Norman.. I know it's hard for a lot of people to open up about things, and thats okay! I'm happy that you told me about this!"

- Hoshi smiles, hugging Norman. Norman blushes, petting Hoshi on the back. Norman than pecks Hoshi on the cheek, smiling. -

Norman - "Uhm.. Thanks.. a lot.."

- Norman and Hoshi stare at one another awkwardly after the peck. Norman that stands up and rushes out to pack things away and to prepare for closing. Hoshi watches, a complete mess. He laughs softly into the back of his hand as he watches Norman. -

Hoshi - "My.. Your really silly Norman.."

- Hoshi smiles as he watches Norman. It was very clear that Norman was embarrassed. Hoshi thought it was adorable and quite silly. He's proud of him for trying though. -

One of my friends has been reading my one shots on messages so, they requested a Hoshi X Norman chapter so here it is! If I continue this, then it's going to start off subtle and then Norman progressively grows to trust and Love Hoshi more.

Anyways bye!!! Eat this up and savor it Jin <3

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