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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒆𝒍𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒈𝒐𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒏 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔. Stevie felt as though she was in the arena for months on end. It felt longer than her first games, she felt as though she was never going to escape. The group was walking towards the lighting tree, Stevie supposes it was all a part of the plan that she didn't listen to. She walked quietly beside Johanna, they all walked in silence. Stevie didn't have any allies in her last games, she flew solo which worked out in her favor, she just didn't want to get close to someone and then have to murder them, and she doesn't like the idea of her having to kill any of these tributes.

" Come on, we have to keep guard," Finnick said to Johanna who paced up and down the entrance making sure no one tried to attack

" Do you need help?" Stevie asked Katniss who just gave her a rude look

" You didn't listen to the plan so why do you even care?" Katniss asked and Stevie rolled her eyes

" Well I am asking now, aren't I? So do you want fucking help or not? Stop being a fucking prudent asshole" Stevie said and began to square up against Katniss

" I'm the asshole?! That's funny, we are all here trying to help each other survive and you couldn't a shit what happens! You're a fucking asshole" Katniss pushed Stevie's shoulders. Stevie definitely didn't like that and she wasn't happy

" Fucking slut" Stevie threw a punch across  Katniss's face and knocked the bow out of her hand, Katniss retaliated but Stevie came back stronger

" Get off of her!" Peeta pushed Stevie off causing her to slightly bash her head

" What she can't stick up for herself! No one ever teach you how to stick up for yourself girl on fire? You need lover boy to come and fend for you?" Stevie went to jump at Katniss again but she felt herself being pulled back from her

" Get off of me!" Stevie trashed around in the person's arms trying to get free

" Relax Hope! Stop it!" Johanna said and Stevie pushed away from her

" What! You going soft now Mason?" Stevie said removed Johanna's hands from her roughly

" Stevie please, we are so close to getting out of here, you can't try and kill her now. Believe me I want to do what you just did to her for ages. But please baby, we are so close" Johanna said in attempts to calm the girl down, it was somewhat working

" Fine, I only wanted to help" Stevie said and Johanna laughed

" I know you were I seen it. She was being a fucking asshole" Johanna said and Stevie nodded

" I am not taking apart in anything now, I am not having her talk to me like again" Stevie said and Johanna smiled

" I'm not going to make you do anything. But if I need you, then you can help me" Johanna said and winked before she went back to keeping guard

Stevie sat back against another tree as she watched Johanna do her guarding, Stevie thought it was hot seeing her being a guard and she couldn't help but stare at her. Being in the arena made her crave Johanna so much more. She wanted to place her hands all over Johanna's body she wanted to have sex with Johanna desperately. She wanted her, she craved her.

" Well, Well, Well. Would you look at that, it's the man-eater. To what do I owe the pleasure to?" Johanna said as seventeen year old Stevie walked into the viewing room, it was just Johanna in there

" Am I not aloud to sit in a watch the games?" Stevie asked as she sat down on the couch

" I didn't think you would want to watch after your tributes shitty performance. But to each there own" Johanna said and Stevie rolled her eyes

" Well you look like you could use something company Mason, do you not get lonely sitting in here?" Stevie said and felt herself getting closer to johanna

" Aren't you considerate, do you do this to all your company?" Johanna asked and Stevie smiled

" Well your different Miss Mason, you seem like you could be a different type of company" Stevie said and smirked towards Johanna

" Oh really? Your assuming now are you?" Johanna asked and placed a hand on Stevie's thigh, it moved higher and higher every few seconds

" Well it seems to be working if I do say so" Stevie said and smirked at Johanna

" when I heard the name man-eater I didn't think you were ever interested in women" Johanna said and began to kiss Stevie's neck

" Oh Mason, there is so much you don't know about me"

When Stevie looked up see saw that whole tree was wrapped in Beetee's wire. She guessed they didn't even need her help. Beetee handed the rest of the wire to Johanna and Stevie.

" where are you going?" Stevie asked jumping up from the ground and walked over to the two girls

" To the beach Hope" Johanna said and Peeta looked as happy as Stevie about, and they definitely weren't happy

" let me go with them" Stevie said and Beetee shook his head no

" no you must stay here and protect me, you all promised to keep me alive and I need the three of you to protect me. Johanna and Katniss will go" Beetee had a stern look on his face, Stevie realised it was something more serious than just going to the beach so she didn't argue anymore.

Stevie watched and Johanna and Katniss walked away from the group carrying the wire beside them. Stevie didn't want to be near Peeta so she stayed close to Finnick.

" you ok Stevie?" Finnick asked and she nodded

" yeah I'm ok. I am sorry about how I attacked earlier on, it was like I just seen red" Stevie said and finnick laughed

" I don't blame you. Did you hear that?" Finnick said and shushed the group

The watched the cut wire fling back and the groans of tributes. Stevie panicked, what if it was Johanna? Was Johanna dead? Was Katniss dead?

" Stevie you need to stay here" Finnick said and Stevie was in to much shock to move.

Peeta had ran in some direction and Stevie couldn't stop him, Beetee ended up hitting the forcefield and everything seemed to falling apart around Stevie

" Peeta" she heard Katniss say groggy as she crawled up towards the tree

" Katniss!" Stevie called and ran up help her

" Katniss, where is Johanna?!" Stevie asked and Katniss wouldn't answer her

The thunder started to happen meaning the lightning was going to be starting soon. It started to scare Stevie, Finnick and Johanna were no where to be seen. Peeta was gone and Beetee was basically dead on the floor. Stevie noticed that her arm had been cut. Her tracker. Stevie grabbed her sickle and cut down her arm causing her to gasp as she removed the capitol tracker from her arm.

" Katniss don't go near that tree" Stevie said as Katniss began to wrap the wire around her arrows

" Katniss please!" Stevie yelled as Katniss aimed her bow and arrows towards the on coming lighting, when she shot the arrow an explosion went off that threw both Katniss and Stevie flying.

Everything went black. Stevie couldn't see anything after see was flung. When she was able to open her eyes she watched the arena fall around her and aircraft's come down, she was being saved.

My hope - Johanna Mason x OCWhere stories live. Discover now