Interview with Andreea Winchester -Demons-

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1. Hello! Who we honor? Can you tell us some things about you?

Hello, Andreea... more known as -Demons-

2. How did you discover Wattpad?

I've discovered Wattpad as a "stupid thing", let's say, because I was searching books/stories written by normal authors (I mean, not the ones I've already knew).

3. What made you start writing books? Most people write to get rid of the problems in their lives. Is it the same about you?

Well, at the first time I was only readig. I was so in love with the book named "Dr. Sexy". But then, yes... it kind of happened like that. I was writing to exteriorize, I was showing only my dark side... when I was writing I was starting to get in a state of depression which, thanks to a person, I got out off during a period of time. Now, it isn't the case anymore, I am now writing because I have a lot of ideas which are very likeable, because it's helps me, because I love to write.

4. What is your inspiration? What makes you write?

The music, the little details, the nature, the people, the fights... life, in generally.

5. Do you have a favourite writer? If yes, what attracted you to him/her?

Yes, Teresa Wojcik. I recently started to love her. Since I discovered her book "One hundred seductions" ("O suta de seductii") -romanian- . There are a lot of good writers on Wattpad, but she's my favourite.

6. Did it ever happen to you to put forth the idea of publishing your books or, at least, one of them? Did your readers suggest it?

Yes, I will do that. At the latest, the next year I will publish "Make me love you" ("Indragosteste-ma") -romanian- .

7. With what writer would you like to cooperate? What book would you like to create with him/her?

Sincerely, it's better for everyone to write separately. Everyone has their own way to write, to describe... it's not good to mix our ideas.

8. What type of books do you like to read? Do you embrace this type for your own creations?

Paranormal, love, erotic romance, fantasy and poetry. Yes, I am writing an erotic novel, short fiction, love and paranormal.

9. Most people start writing something and then, suddenly, they give up on it for certain reasons. Did you ever have these kind of moments in your life?

I gave up on only two books... Sometimes, I have like one thousand ideas, then nothing! It happened to me so many times, but now rarely. It's usually to happen.

10. If you see mischievous comments or even offensive ones about you, what do you do? What's your reaction and what answers you give them? A lot of people deleted their books because of some malicious comments. What do you advise them to do, in case of not getting just kind or nice comments? How do you advise them to behave with the ones who offend them, or they say that their books are not good at all?

I never recieved hate on my books. I recieved constructive criticism and I am really thankful to the persons who took a little bit of their time to leave comments. They helped me a lot. I don't had badly reaction, I can't be liked by everyone.

But I hate when someone accuses me that I copied something, you know? Even if I didn't do that. I will never give up on my books if it's not my own choice. They can tell me what they want. Girls/Boys! Don't give up on your wonderful books if you know you didn't do something, if you have a clean conscience, then don't give them satisfaction! And don't delete them just because they say your works aren't good. Don't worry, be happy!

The bonus questions

• I've read your description and I have queries: Why do you like so much the rain? What attracts you to it?

I like the things it forwards. The things I see. The rain smells good. I adore the fragrance the earth catches, the flowers catch, everything catches after rain. It delievers feelings, when you want to cry, you can cry with it, it's cold. Sometimes, it helpes you. Sometimes, it kills you. Rain means to me death. Sometimes death, sometimes hope.

• Why you thought to publish the book "Make me love you" ("Indragosteste-ma") -romanian- ? What made you to this step? What kind of effect will it have to the world?

Well, I wanted to publish it, because it's my type of favourite book (erotic novel) and because of mine, my classmates' and my teacher's opinion, it deserves to pe published.

11. We've reached the ending of this interview. I want to thank you so much because you spent your precious time to answer my questions, may the odds be ever in your favour and good luck at writing! Do you have something to tell to the ones who are reading this? Do you have something to tell to the writers, both beginners and the advanced ones?

I thank you because you've choosed me. A lot of succes for all of you, same with you Teddy, especially with the interviews. Don't give up on writing if you like to do that. Don't listen to the swaggy thugs on this site. And accept the constructive criticism. Kisses!

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