Wonderland, where all your dreams come true

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Imagine working for a library for years and then one day entering it and finding no book.

What occurred to me today was as follows. I noticed there were no books at the library as I reached there. I reasoned that I should glance about in the hopes of discovering anything.The entire library was empty and chilly. Not happy. After spending hours leaping around like a squid, I eventually located a really old and dusty book in the mystery area. The sole book in the collection. I'm unsure why, but it gave me main character vibes. The book was simply bound in leather and bore no name. It was also wearing what appeared to be a piece of priceless jewelry.When I opened it, nothing was inside. There was not a word written.

Quite odd right?
Suddenly I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. My legs didn't bear the strength to hold me anymore and I fell to the ground.

I awoke in a pitch-black abyss. an absence of all things.I was surprised to see a bird there as well.
"Please tell me your name, Mr. " the bird asked
"First of all, how the hell are you talking, and second, why should I tell you my name?" I yelled in fear
"Alright, let me introduce myself. My name is Kio, and I can shapeshift. You are here because I want to give you a challenge."

" If you have bought me here then you should know my name and also why do you want me to do it? "
" Because you look dumb, now quickly tell me your name "
" I am Cyrus, Cyrus Aryan "
" Oh finally, now listen you are going on a challenge. "
" Can I have a friend to company me? " I pleaded
" Well, you actually can! Pick one of your friends and they can be your companion in the conquest "
" Can you call Thea? "
Thea is my childhood friend, we have been best friends for ages.
She works as a neurologist

I saw Thea lying down. As she woke up she started yelling.
" How the fuck I am here???? "

"I bought you here. I don't want to be the only one who suffers " I giggled
" Geez you always end up trapping me in problems that you create, seriously Cyrus you are so oblivious "

" Okay kiddies now listen to me " Kio shrieked
" How the heck that bird is talking?" She asked While pointing her fingers at it.

" God please give this generation some intelligence and seriousness.
Now stop the time pass and listen to the rules.
I have hidden 5 gemstones in 5 different fantasy universes but they are a bit twisted. You need to find all of these gems before the time runs out. You will also save the main character if needed"
" And what if we don't, " Thea asked
" Then you will be sent to the underworld, with Hades or you will stuck in a time loop until you win. "
" That doesn't sound quite fun, " I remarked
" But if you win you will get a very pricey gemstone and return to where you started. You will have no memory of here "

" So when are we going to start, It's already late for my favorite show " Thea snapped

" Now, good luck kids "
We started floating in the air like the west winds were carrying us to a different dimension.
I felt twitching and irritation in my body as we shifted.
I could feel the universe inside of me as the time passed.
We finally landed somewhere.
We landed flat on the ground, right on our butts.

" Welcome to Wonderland, where all your dreams come true. So quickly go get yours, before they come to get you "

Who will come and get us?
We woke up in the room where Alice found the mini door.
We were searching around when we saw the size drink.
" Look Thea, the size drink! We can now go through the door "
" Cyrus It might be poisonous " Thea claimed
We tried that drink on a mouse who was jumping there, and the drink was sure posionous.
We need to be careful, not everything can be trusted.
We tried breaking the wall but it also didn't work.
We were thinking of something when the room started getting darker and darker,
I saw something written on the wall.
" Run, kids, RUN "
I quickly grabbed Thea's hand and started running towards the wall. To my surprise, the wall started metaphor into a hallway.
I was frantically running and running, I had no idea where I was going.
I stopped at the end of a cliff. I was so scared I jumped down the cliff with Thea

I woke up somewhere,
It was the castle of cards. Where the queen of hearts lived.
It was the second where Alice was having her trial.

What are we going to do now?
There was a shining pink gem on the queen's crown.
" Who are you and what are you doing here in this court. QUEEN there are intruders in the palace "
Oh shit we are gone for good now.
Suddenly a sword started appearing in our hands.
We need to fight in order to survive.
I stabbed the first guard with my sword.
I got chills when I saw the blood on my hands.
I was feeling like losing my sanity.
I started slashing every single guard coming in my way.
Thea was also dealing with the guards.
After all the chaos, we both were covered in blood,
Thea had lost an arm.
I have been stabbed from behind too.

" Well, well kiddo, you fought like a warrior, but now you have to win a game of croquet with me "
" If you win, I will give up the crown, but if you lost, you will be tortured to death " she said with a wicked smile

" Challenge accepted. I hissed "
We reached the croquet garden.
''You two will play in a team, and I will individually"
I started, but I missed it
Out of no where there were papercuts all over my body.
" Oh I forgot to tell you, each shot you miss gives you papercuts " she mocked
Now it was the queen's turn. She started playing. She was not missing one shot.
She finally did on the 7th wicket.
" Looks like she is cheating " Thea whispered
And as guessed she was. We both had papercuts all over our body and that queen was cheating.
When we got a chance, I said to Thea.
" You can do it, I am with you "
She gave me a hug and started playing

There was one shot left.
She had all her concentration on it. She swung her bat
I lunged on her for a hug.
The queen offered her crown.
" All hail the new king and queen"
We took out the gem from the crown. Finally, peace for now.

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