Hallucinations and dreams are surely fascinating

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Cyrus's POV

I was infront of my library where I always used to work.
But imagine this
Imagine working for a library for years and then one day entering it and finding no book.

What occurred to me today was as follows. I noticed there were no books at the library as I reached there. I reasoned that I should glance about in the hopes of discovering anything.The entire library was empty and chilly. Not happy. After spending hours leaping around like a squid, I eventually located a really old and dusty book in the mystery area. The sole book in the collection. I'm unsure why, but it gave me main character vibes. The book was simply bound in leather and bore no name. It was also wearing what appeared to be a piece of priceless jewelry.When I opened it, nothing was inside. There was not a word written.

Quite odd right?
Suddenly I started feeling dizzy and nauseous. My legs didn't bear the strength to hold me anymore and I fell to the ground.

I awoke in a pitch-black abyss. an absence of all things.I was surprised to see a bird there as well.
"Please tell me your name, Mr. " the bird asked
"First of all, how the hell are you talking, and second, why should I tell you my name?" I yelled in fear
"Alright, let me introduce myself. My name is Kio, and I can shapeshift. You are here because I want to give you a challenge."
The place where I was gave me deja vu.
Something started happening to me.
" Wake up, CYRUS WAKE UP "
I woke up, it all was a dream

Third person POV
10 weeks before present day
Cyrus lost Thea 5 weeks ago, he cannot cope with her leaving him.
He was too madly in love.
He lost both his library and Thea in the fire.
Because of all of this he got the Charles Bonnet syndrome
In this a person startes seeing things that do not exist.
His parents claim that they experience paranormal activities in their home since Thea's death.
Cyrus has lost track of time and is seriously mentally ill.
He still remembers the last time they played " find the gemstone in mystery " game. Their personal favorite.
Cyrus thinks that Thea is alive.
Wish it all was so easy.
Present day
All the things happened were in this mind.
Both His and Thea's perspective were actually of Cyrus.

Cyrus was admitted to an mental asylum.
He had became a psycho. Everyone told him that Thea is dead but he disagree.
To cope with his illness, the asylum has provided him a room. That room looks just like his old library.
Whenever someone visits him, the staff advise them to act like Thea is there or they would be attacked by Cyrus.

Cyrus lost everything, His love, his library, his sanity, his parents love and gave up on life.

He committed suicide later that night.
He took a rope and strangled himself.
He had put the rope on so tightly that if someone alive would have wore it, couldn't have survived even half a minute.

Hallucinations and dreams are surely fascinating
They hold the capacity of making a person insane.
No lie that Cyrus's life was destroyed by it.

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