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Connor sat on the couch, nervous. "Everything ok?" Y/n asked. "Huh, no we need to talk" Connor said. "There's something I've noticed and it's, I think I'm gay. No I am gay" Connor said. Y/N smiled. "Great there's something you should know to." y/n hesitated before finishing the sentence. "I'm a man baby daddy" Y/N said in a deep voice ripping his weave off. "Ok I like your dad more. Bye" Connor then proceeded to smack Bluey and left with Y/Ns dad. "HES MINE BITCH" Y/N yelled running after them. Bluey magically appeared infront of Connor and Y/Ns dad. "CONNORS MINE BITCH. NOT YOURS NOT Y/NS" Bluey said. (God I feel bad) Y/Ns dad then kicked Bluey off a mountain. "HES MINE BITCH" Y/Ns dad said. Connor and Y/Ns dad shared a kiss. And bluey: DEAD, DEAD AS HELL.

~Months later~

"I Now announce you, Husband and husband" Someone said. "Now?" Connor asked. "Yes now" someone said. They both kissed, Connor pregnant in a white wedding dress and Y/Ns dad in a suit.

~9 months later~

Connor has 12 children and named them the 12 months. AND BLUEY WAS NEVER EVER SEEN AGAIN

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