Chapter One

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Mypublisher is having a flash sale on my book, The Taken, for Valentine's Day

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Mypublisher is having a flash sale on my book, The Taken, for Valentine's Day. Itis currently 0.00$ on Amazon. So if you love fated mate paranormal romances besure to grab it today before it goes back up in price. -

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Sarah pressed her face against the window of her cell door and strained to see down the corridor, but it was useless she could see no further than three doors down. With a sigh of disgust, she stepped back and dropped to her cot, the only piece of furniture in her small cell, and dropped her head to her hands. The guards had taken Maggie, her best friend and the only other woman to survive the testing, away at least thirty minutes ago. It wasn't a normal testing or checkup day, so the guards' taking Maggie was odd. A wave of nausea swept over her and she was glad the guards hadn't brought her breakfast. There was no denying she was pregnant, what was scary was she didn't know who the father was, he like her was a prisoner in this freakish hell hole. By her best guess, she'd been a prisoner for five months, she couldn't be sure as there were no windows in the facility so she couldn't accurately keep track of the days. In addition, when it was so-called night they only dimmed the lights slightly, the windowless existence had thrown off her body rhythms and left her tired and depressed. Like being a prisoner to mad man wasn't depressing enough.

She and Maggie had been best friends and classmates at Wesley's Woman's College when they'd been taken. Sarah had been working on her doctorate in Physics and Maggie her doctorate in Astronomy. They and about fifteen classmates had gone to the med center to donate blood for a classmate who was supposedly in the hospital undergoing Leukemia treatments. The nurse had asked her a host of embarrassing questions about her sex life, or rather the lack of it as part of her screening process. When Sarah finally confessed she was a virgin, two men appeared and held her down while the nurse who had taken her blood stabbed her with a hypo. Sarah had blacked out and awakened in the first of her four cells, clothed in only her underwear. There had been other women then, a hundred of them, all prisoners of the sick bastards who ran the facility. Sarah had used her gift then, as weak as it was, to unlock her cell door and several of the other women's, but they'd been quickly recaptured by the guards and thrown back in their cells. Sarah's main ability was telekinesis, she couldn't do much with it beyond lifting small objects, but it was useful for opening locked doors. Her other ability was sensing evil in people, and it didn't always work or she wouldn't have been captured. Over the months Sarah had used her telekinesis to open several cell and room doors in her quest to escape. Her attempts had always been thwarted and she'd been recaptured and locked in harder to escape from cells. Her present cell had a magnetic lock which she wasn't able to budge. She looked back at the door again wondering where Maggie was and what they were doing to her. Maggie was also pregnant by one of the other prisoners. One of the times Sarah had gotten out of her cell, she'd broken into the office of Dr. Renfrew the head torturer, and gone through his files looking for answers and a possible way to escape. Sarah had learned that she and the other women were part of a breeding experiment, with the two male prisoners. She'd ransacked the files there and learned that there were two male prisoners being used as sperm donors. The men were in their early thirties, very tall, and retired military, they were also listed as shifters on their charts. Sarah had also learned their names and nothing else before being recaptured, fitted with a shock collar and locked up again. She'd worn the damn collar for two months; Dr. Renfrew had only removed it when he'd confirmed she was pregnant.

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