Chapter 1 : Meet-Not-So-Cute

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"Look at her. She is wearing clothes tonight!"


"There's not a single song of hers where that slut is not showing legs."

" She is so pretty though. Even from far I can tell. "

"Wish I could have a picture with her. Do you think we can manage a picture?" The young man asked from his position on the terrace.

"Sure." His senior muttered from his deep search of finding a song with keywords like 'skin', 'nude', ' sexy' and 'Sia'.

His ugly smile indicated the results were to his liking.

"I wish she had come wearing a short skirt. Just like this." he said, dangling his phone in the newbie's face.

"And I wish my men did their work."

They both froze, hearing the stern voice.

"Shikhar..." The burly senior spat out.
The young man just stood there, his face still frozen in shock. Shikhar, their boss stood a few feet away, his hands on his hips, his face betraying nothing.

He came forward, stood between the two men, his eyes scanning the people enjoying the party.

The senior guy finally found his voice and said, "It's a boring job, you know Shikhar to watch over these stuffy suits."

"You're right, Govind." Shikhar said, turning towards the beefy officer.

Govind smiled slightly, relieved. Why would he be scared of Shikhar? Govind was a senior to him in experience and age. He was about to ask for a break but Shikhar started talking.

"Let's have a change of scenery for you then. You can go to the front desk. Jim needs a break. Help him with scanning as people are still arriving."

"But then who will help the newbie?" Govind protested in a soft voice.

It was a real sight, seeing this big man pretend to be polite. The young man wanted to snicker.

"Don't worry. I'll be here." Shikhar replied with a smile of his own. The smile usually meant there was no room for discussion.

"Right." Govind said and left without a word.

Shikhar turned to the scene before him. His eyes saw conversations, handshakes, hugs, kisses, clinking of wine glasses and lies. His team had the job to secure this classy rich bunch tonight.

"Its Amar, right?"

"Yes sir."

"No need for sir. Shikhar is ok. Have you eaten anything?"

Amar's stomach remembered the cold sandwich he had munched before starting his shift and grumbled. He still nodded a yes.

"Go have something." Shikhar said, still watching the people.

Amar, the new trainee thanked his gods that he wasn't sent for another duty.

"Thanks. I will grab a bite and get back."

"And never let me see you slacking off on the job again."

Shikhar said as Amar dreamed what delicacies would be present for him.

"I won't ever sir. It was Sia actually. I am a big fan of her." he said earnestly.

"I will let it slide for now. Run along."

" I will be back quickly." Amar said, as he ran towards the door.

"And no pictures."

"Okayy..." Amar said, almost shouting.

This one will need a lot of work. And Govind needed to be reminded of the military discipline he was familiar with. Shikhar thought, as he watched the rich folks miling around. Even if you didn't know these people by names, you could guess they were millionaires. Fortunately, for Shikhar, millionaires needed protection and they paid well. Among the top 10 percent of Mumbai were gathered tonight under the roof of Lotus plaza for the engagement of Raheja infrastructure's heir Sahil Raheja.

Shikhar had deployed almost all his staff for the party. You could spot them at the entrance, looking through invitations, scanning people and coordinating with other hotel staff. The unseen were looking at surveillance cameras, monitoring every movement.
But some of his best people were mixed with the crowd. Their job was to observe and neutralize any inside threat or scuffle.

Nodding at the man on the other end of the building, he looked at her.

Sia Rathod

She was beautiful all right. Wearing a white sequined dress which probably accounted for some bloke's two months rent- with her hair down, she was a vision.

He had eyes and he could see why half the population was obsessed with her. Even now, she was surrounded by her admirers, who came in all age groups. The whole night, he had never seen her alone. She was always the centre of attention in every group.

Govind had called her a slut.
But Shikhar didn't quite agree with that. See, he was trained to read people in this job. He could tell, from far even, she didn't give two fucks about those idiots radiating around her. A prima donna she was. Shikhar scoffed as he saw her throwing an uninterested smile at one of the many men.

A call on his cell phone pulled him out of his study of the stunning Bollywood starlet.


"We've got a situation in west end terrace."

"What have we got?"

Sonal, who was on the surveillance duty tonight snickerred.

"An unarmed civilian is causing a ruckus and I have seen him cornering a waitress 10 minutes ago."


"Party floor. West end. He's getting closer to the ladies room. And before you scold me, I have briefed Kunal. But this guy is not our usual rodeo."

"Will be there in a few." Shikhar said, ending the call.

As the call ended, Amar returned with a plate of sandwiches.

"Here boss. I got some for you."

"Have them. I have to be somewhere. Stay in position."

Before leaving, Shikhar took one look at the party. She was nowhere in sight.


This chapter will continue ..
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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