Chapter 1

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In a world where you had laws against something so soothing you would think the world around would shut up with it. Frankly, that's anything but true. In fact, it seemed to grow louder as time goes on as if everybody is trying to make up for that loss of sound. It's no use though, Camila knows this. No matter how desperate they get with trying to return it the less likely they're going to give it back to everyone. Now only the rich could afford it.

If caught going against the rules set there are two possible punishments. One of them is a prison sentence. The other? The other people don't like to talk about. They weren't very sparing in this world if people disobeyed. They would always make sure to clean up after you and place you to sleep in a decent coffin. Funny how they care about you more in your death then they do life.

When it was first banned the law was quiet flexible but many didn't decide to obey it. They wanted to keep it all to themselves so they hid it and never looked twice about the fines they received. That was, until the government decided to settle in and slowly increase the penalty. Everyone thought of it as a joke, a twisted joke to scare them all into getting rid of it whether that be through giving it up or burning it. What came after was anything but merciful.

"We're almost there miss." The taxi driver announces, tearing Camila to look away from the window. Her reflection vanishes with it and she smiles into the mirror of the car to let the man know she heard loud and clear.

The weather is miserable, clouds covering the sky. It always made day look like evening. Rain is soon to come pouring down any minute but that's the least of Camila's problems. The people she was meeting out here could cause her own death but none of this is for her anyway, all that mattered was getting this for Lauren. That's all she had to rely on for now, the only thing keeping her from freaking out.

"Any reason for this part of town?" The driver asks, trying to spark up a conversation. It's not everyday somebody asks a driver to come out this part of town. This part has always been known as death alley. There are only so many times people can die along a street before it earns a name and suddenly most move away from it. You never want to end up as 'Death Alley kid'. It would haunt you longer then you ever thought possible.

"Going to visit a friend for a while." Camila lies through her teeth. If telling the truth she would be arrested on the spot. Everyone knows the police were hooked up to every public piece of transport to make sure even the services obey the rules. "Wanted to see me for once."

"I feel sorry for your friend, kid." The man shakes his head with sadness. See? It's the pity and name you earn that makes everyone pray for your safety. Pulling to a stop, Camila pays the man next to her and opens the door to his voice "Whatever you do, just be careful around here. Don't need the cops killing another innocent."

Of course he doesn't want her dead. How do you announce to the world that you were the one to drive a girl to her death? Great title isn't it? Once that happens, you can almost guarantee that everybody will make sure you don't live it down. They will shove it down your throat so you can't breathe and make sure you see her face everywhere you go. Media is simply wonderful nowadays. They find any start and report on it until it's like beating a dead horse.

Camila feels the vibration of her phone in her pocket and reaches down the pick it up. It's not hard to fish out her pocket considering female clothes don't seem to know what a pocket is. Rather that or they're making the pockets smaller while making phones larger. Soon enough, the other way around will happen but at least then nobody is going to be complaining about pocket size.

"Hey Mani." Camila greets into the phone. There's shuffling on the other side and a slight huff of 'where did I put that thing?' before everything becomes silent again and the voice on the other side takes a breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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