rain drops

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Robin burst into the party, breathing heavily as he entered. He scanned the room with hope in his eyes, approaching people to ask if they had seen Finney, but no one had. After searching for a while, he still couldn't find him. Overwhelmed, he placed his hands on his head, stressed out about finding Finney. He knew Finney wasn't good at being alone, especially at a party. It was dangerous, especially for someone as attractive as Finney. Robin walked around and encountered a boy named Jack. "Hey, what's up?" Jack greeted, raising his hand in the air. Robin nodded with a smile. "You want a drink?" Jack offered, probably alcohol, but Robin declined. "Have you seen Finn? I can't find him anywhere," he asked, looking around. "Oh, your boyfriend?" Jack teased. "Shut up, man..." Robin's face turned red with embarrassment. He sighed and shook his head. "He's right over there, complaining about you to Sandra," Jack laughed. Robin breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Jack, and hugged him before leaving. He followed the direction Jack pointed and tiptoed to get a better view since some people were taller than him. He peeked and saw Finney alone on the kitchen table. Finney's head was resting on the table, holding a bottle of alcohol, and his hair was messy. Robin quickly approached him. "Finn?" he asked softly. Finney glanced at him, squinting slightly, with disheveled hair and...

Robin's face flushed as he saw Finney's appearance, appreciating his beauty. He smiled at him, and luckily, Finney smiled back. "What are you doing here all alone?" Robin furrowed his brow, sounding a bit scolding. Finney just waved his hand and laughed at Robin. "I wassss waiting for youuu," he slurred and playfully booped Robin's nose. "What the fuck?" Robin said, flustered by Finney's actions. "Let's go home." He grabbed Finney's arm and left the party. Robin groaned when they reached outside, realizing he had left his car behind. They had no choice but to walk home in the middle of the night. "Come on," he said, taking Finney's hand. Finney paused and stared at their intertwined hands. A hint of red appeared on his cheeks. "What?" Robin glanced at him, confused. Finney simply shrugged it off and walked forward, deciding it would be better to ignore it. Robin enjoyed the softness of Finney's palm, finding it much different from his own.

Finney looked up at the sky as a few raindrops touched his skin. He raised his palm to feel the rain, and Robin watched him, smiling softly at the sight. "It's raining," Finney smiled, glancing at Robin. Their gazes met, but Finney broke the eye contact without saying anything. He let go of Robin's hand and ran toward a lamppost. "Hey Robin, take a picture of me!" he yelled, striking poses for the camera. Robin laughed and took out his phone. "Hold on a sec!" he yelled back, struggling to find the camera app. "There," he said, raising his phone and zooming in on Finney. He thought Finney looked cute. The rain started pouring heavily. "Oh shit," Robin exclaimed. He ran and grabbed Finney, who almost tripped. Finney couldn't keep up with Robin's speed.

Finney laughed as they ran, and Robin looked back at him, smiling with his mouth open. "Let's go home!" Robin shouted, hoping Finney could hear him clearly. "I don't want to," Finney paused, making Robin stumble a little. "What? Why?" Robin furrowed his brow. "Let's stay here for a while," Finney smiled, tilting his head back to feel the rain. Robin shrugged and went along with what Finney wanted.

Robin stood in front of Finney, watching him as he observed the surroundings. He admired how happy Finney was over simple things. Maybe Robin had already made up his mind. He really, really loved Finney, his best friend. Robin laughed, causing Finney to look at him in confusion. Finney slowly raised an eyebrow. "You look like a kid doing that," he laughed. Finney playfully punched Robin's chest, making him exclaim in pain as he held his chest. "That's what you get," Finney said. They remained silent for a moment, admiring each other. Finney cupped Robin's cheek, giving it a gentle squeeze, and let out a small laugh as he gazed at Robin. Robin was confused. "I love you," Finney said, shouting a bit. Without hesitation, Robin replied, "I love you too, mi queridi." Robin smiled, and Finney giggled. Robin felt uncertain about what Finney said. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but right now, he felt happy hearing those words. He didn't mind saying them either. Perhaps by tomorrow, Finney would forget they even had this conversation.

But for now, in the pouring rain, they stood there, drenched and smiling at each other. The words hung in the air, and Robin couldn't help but feel a spark of hope deep within his heart. Maybe, just maybe, there was something more to their relationship than friendship.

As they continued to stand in the rain, Robin reached out and took Finney's hand in his own. The touch sent a wave of warmth through Robin's body, and he knew in that moment that he wanted to hold onto this feeling for as long as possible. He really love how his palm felt, it gave him some sort of comfort.


I feel like im losing interest in everything ☹️💔 idk but I'll promise to keep on writing. My narratingd r getting worse and worse day by day, and i think it's also because im in a new fandom. I've been sooo obsessed w demon slayer these days, especially yoriichi😍 and i focus on their fanfiction a lot now😔

( I still love tbpp)

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