Chapter 1: Old Friends

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Venti stares down at his half eaten pb&j sandwich, the peanut butter sticking to the top of his mouth. Sighing, he looked around at everyone walking around and sitting with their respective friend groups. Eating the rest of the sandwich, he stands up and throws his brown bag out. Next to the trash can, he spots a familiar face.

"Xiao?" At his name, Xiao looks up at Venti.

"Venti?" Venti nods.

"It's been so long! What've you been up to, old pal?" He asks, noticing the unfamiliar person next to the dark green haired man. "And who's this? A new friend?" Venti smiles.

The blonde male next to Xiao smiles up at Venti, introducing himself. "I'm Aether, Xiao's boyfriend." Xiao snickers as Venti's face fades into utter confusion. "I always knew you were fruity, not gonna lie."

"Could've said the same to you." Xiao responds with a straight face. "You were always talking about who the prettiest boy was."

"NO I DIDN'T—wait yeah i did..."

"I'm pretty sure everyone here heard you yell that, Venti." Aether sighs. "Quiet down a little?" Venti sticks out his tongue in response "Ehe, I don't know what you mean~!" Xiao glares at his old friend. "Yes you do, fucker. I bet you have vodka in that bottle of yours. Now quiet the fuck down." Venti looks away at the mentioning of alcohol, shrugging i slightly. "Maybeee~ how did you know??"

"You're an alcoholic, Venti."

"..." Venti stares at his friend in total silence. "Oops?"

"The fu—" Xiao's deadpanned response was cut off by the giggling of Aether, and from a mile away, and Venti could see how Xiao's face lit up at the noise and how Xiao pulled Aether closer by the waist.

"Do you guys wanna stay here and have lunch with me?"

Xiao looked mildly surprised and then he quickly noticed how Venti hadn't been sitting next to anyone before he and Aether showed up.

"Oh sure!"

Aether quickly sat down next to Venti and Xiao stayed quiet and sat next to them.

After a while of talking, Venti decided to ask the big question. "Can I have both of your numbers? I have to be at a lecture soon." Xiao and Aether both nod, and they all exchange numbers.

"Bye bye Aether and Xiao!~ I'll text you guys later!"

Venti quickly ran off leaving Xiao and Aether to finish eating. Xiao sighed and looked at Aether, a little tired considering it was just lunchtime. Aether scooted over to him and lay his head on Xiaos shoulder.

"It'll be nice to have a friend huh?"

"Knowing Venti we might have more then one friend in the next coming days..."

"Yeah, that makes sense, actually." Aether chuckles. "He seems like someone who can make friends easily."

The edges of Xiaos mouth quirk up slightly. "Yeah, he definitely is."

The school day passed decently quickly for Xiao, especially considering he had Aether with him for the majority of the lectures and lessons, at the end of the day, they both started walking back to the bus to go to their houses.

"Aether are you coming over to my house tonight like usual?"

"Oh, yes! I'm sure Lumine won't care, she was inviting Ayaka and Yoimiya over for tonight anyways."


Xiao stayed silent on they're walk back to Xiaos house, sighing he opened the door, hoping and praying Hu tao wouldn't be there waiting for the two of them.

"Heya Xiao! Oh! You brought home Mr Sunshine again~!"

"Ugh, Hu tao, please leave us alone... I'm tired..."

"Oh, go snuggle with your boyfriend to recharge!" Hu tao snickered and pushed them towards Xiao's room

"Ah-! Hu tao calm down" Aether stuttered, but he knew he couldn't do anything about it.

"Hu tao, leave the boys alone."

"Ugh, thank you Da- I mean Zhongli-"

Xiao fumbled over his words and quickly dragged Aether into his room, pretending to not hear Hu Tao's obnoxious cackling.

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